Mel aka kayakgrrl

Please respond with the link! (My background is psychology, but I’m trying to transition into statistics.)

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I love CEG! I’ve been watching it non-stop on Netflix for two months now. (I was worried I was getting bored, but I took a few days off and started watching again.) I also love how Jewish the show it - as an overachieving Jewish woman myself, I love this song too (especially the little shout out about being

Thank you - this made me see pink myself (not enough to see red, but still peeved)! I’m a trumpet player and jazz lover myself,so I particularly did not like the terminology ‘Trump jazz.’ Too close to my favorite instrument!

Thanks for the compliment! I really should start my own blog where I explain statistics and research that makes the news.

I think Facebook will revolutionize how well we can keep childhood friends. I’m an Army brat, so do not have any contact with friends from before high school. Facebook came out in my sophomore year of college, so I could easily find my high school friends.

I’m considered boring and ‘scary’ by a lot of people.

Yes, it has Clive Owen. That is the very reason I saw it in the first place.

I’m reminded of the movie Shoot Em Up where they found a lactating prostitute to breastfeed a baby. Instead of, you know, formula. (Especially stupid because in the plot, the bad guys were able to find them by tracking down that same lactating prostitute.)

A good friend of mine would donate milk when she was still breastfeeding her baby. (She’d actually pump while sitting in traffic during her daily commute.) It caused no problems for her own child and she was able to be productive in an otherwise lost hour.

Friendly neighborhood social scientist here. There are other research models that can be done when true experimental studies (i.e. randomized control trials) can’t be done. Basically, you need to have a huge sample (thousands and thousands) so you can try to control for co-variates (like socioeconomic status). But

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Especially if this scene was anything more than pure fantasy.

“I just prayed that Kourtney’s going to have a normal life after she sees my dead body on the bed.”

In Dundee, there are two malls relatively close to each other downtown - the Overgate and the Wellgate. The Overgate is bright and clean while the Wellgate is larger but older and a bit grimy. But the two malls are connected by a pedestrian area with lots of shops.

The thing is I had never been asked about my doctor’s ability to speak English for the 6 months I had been working there. And the questions I have fielded have never started with ‘Does he have an accent?’ but ‘Does he speak English?’ (The first time the week of the election it was also because the patient’s family had

Oh! I just thought of a better response than ‘I don’t feel comfortable answering that.’ Instead, we can say, very coldly, ‘He is an excellent doctor who communicates well with all of his patients.’ (I’m about to leave this role and am leaving thorough handover notes, so this will be useful for my successor who might

Damn, Britney is looking AMAZING! I would hold impromptu fashion shows too if I were her.

I do think a lot of people have been emboldened by the election of Trump to be more open with racist behavior. I’m working for a doctor who was born and raised in the US, but is of Middle Eastern descent and doesn’t have a ‘white’-sounding name. Since the election, I have now been asked TWICE over the phone by

Thank you for sharing the Sarah Silverman video on divesting from the Dakota Access pipeline. I checked the list of the 17 banks directly investing, and was a tad relieved to see the 2 banks I have were not on it, but they were in the list of 38 banks that are involved in funding for the entire Bakken pipeline. I used