Mel aka kayakgrrl

I have a remarkably low threshold for bad movies when the theme is Christmas so I’m not at all sorry to say that I loved this movie, I even loved Emma Thompson’s cringeworthy Yugo accent because she is Emma freaking Thompson who will never not make me cry when I watch Love Actually for the umpteenth time. All the Georg

I like trying to guess plot twists of movies I will never see, and I appreciate your spoilery. I had guessed that Kate was dying and in need of a transplant, and would find true love the day of Christmas, but would die on Boxing Day. Close! So close.

watching the trailer I want to throw the remote at the screen. It’s so cringy-awkward yet of course incredibly beautiful girl acts clumsy but adorably so. She has issues with trust but some super hot guy who has the patience of job comes along and finds her so delightful and endearing and they fall in love blah

I liked this move better when Bonnie Hunt made it and it was Return to Me, but that might be just because I saw that one back when I was young enough to have a thing for the actresses who starred in rom-coms.

Emma Thompson realizes that shitty Christmas movies are a never-ending revenue stream.

I dated a dude who adopted a look very similar to the Hipster Hero up there. It was the first time he’d ever had long hair and eventually I had to gently explain that long hair requires more care than a short back and sides. It just... didn’t occur to him. 

Has anyone on here watched Netflix’s You? I’m watching the first ep right now, started right after finishing this week’s Crazy Ex - and it is seriously creeping me the fuck out! I was told it’s “like Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, only darker”, but the only similarities are that the first few minutes are like that Research Me

She was a rebel on the bridge at the VERY beginning of the movie, and she has a line that she shouts out to Leia et al. while Poe is leading the attack!

Side note - did anyone catch Michaela Cole in The Last Jedi, briefly? In the very beginning!

You’re being way too kind. He held up filming for 4 days and then they had to have him wear a Mets hat instead.

Yeah, I don’t know how common/pervasive that particular clause is in the industry, but it’s NOT one I’d expect someone of Wahlberg’s, uh, “caliber” to be able to get away with in a RIDLEY SCOTT movie. Transformers Sequel #38, so he gets to approve the piece of tail actress he’s working with? Maybe. But a RIDLEY SCOTT

I don’t think that most people are aware of that incident which is part of the problem. The other problem is that it was 30 years ago and people are all too happy to write it off as something that happened 30 years ago.

Fucking up is a DUI. Fucking up is stealing a DVD at Target. Fucking up is pulling a “Do you know who I am?!” at a restaurant, or perhaps getting into a fight at a bar. Hate crimes are not “fucking up.” Hate crimes mean you’re a shitheel garbage human, and while atonement is possible, it is rare.

Of course not. His time is valuable, after all, while Michelle Williams is just making movies as a hobby (her real job is Mom). Why isn’t she more grateful that she gets to work at all? /s

He’s protected due to his status as a national hero. You know, from that one time he would have fought the terrorists in the plane on 9/11 and saved Christmas.

I saw quite a men on twitter saying ‘Don’t blame him for being a good negotiator! She should have known better!’

Ed Norton definitely has had his career’s trajectory altered by being famously “difficult to work with”.

Man aren’t difficult, they are “demanding” and “perfectionists”.

I did not begrudge him his Oscar nod for The Departed. All the supporting players in that were top notch.

The best Mark Wahlberg movies are always the ones where he’s surrounded by an ensemble of award worthy performances who do the heavy lifting, and he gets to play a character that’s not known for their brains. (See: Boogie Nights, The Fighter)