I can’t believe these buffoons managed to get that shitstain elected. Idiots, top to bottom.
I can’t believe these buffoons managed to get that shitstain elected. Idiots, top to bottom.
Exhibitionists. It’s a power play. Like “look what I can get away with!”
I have the nasty suspicion that a high percentage of successful, self-made businesspeople are sociopaths. I also suspect that the drive to be famous - not to pursue professions like acting that sometimes lead to fame, but the desire for the fame part of it on its own - is something generally seen in people with a…
Because they’re sociopaths—err, CEOs.
Rhetorical question, but: why are businesspeoplewho market themselves as edgy, hip people (and among those are women who brand themselves as feminists and use that as a marketing ploy) also fucking crazy? Grabbing your subordinate’s breast? The fuck is this shit?
Frankly I don’t get Facetiming from ANYWHERE. I don’t want to see up your nostrils while communicating, yo. The only exception is my mother, she just figured out how to use it and I can’t take that away from her.
I’d take it a step further - it’s quite fair to wonder how the Kardashians would have turned out if their father had lived a decade longer than he did.
It should be pointed out, if it isn’t obvious, that it’s in fact illegal to ask women those types of questions in a job interview. So he’s not only an asshole, he lets his assholeness cloud reasonable judgement of the law.
Hey, there’s more than enough fourth-gen Okies out there for this to be locally-sourced, artisanal bigotry!
It’s cool; I made a voodoo doll and they are all coming back as trans people who can never feel safe, ever. Don’t shut your eyes, bitches. There’s no such thing as rest.
Just like the entirety of the south doesn’t have streets crawling with Clansmen. It would behoove everyone to recognize that bigotry is everywhere and there are also people trying to counter it everywhere. So yeah, no pats on the back for being born in a liberal area but also don’t punch someone in the face for being…
Why do I still want fries?
Yup. See: everyone on here begging that nobody conflate the OC with wherever in California they happen to live (and the response to anything about the very conservative parts of CA).
California is not a utopia free from racism and acting like it is dismisses the greater issue.
He could be a native, home grown California racist too. To suggest that he “had” to have been a transplant from the midwest ignores the inherent racism that California, like any other state, suffers from. California is not a utopia free from racism and acting like it is dismisses the greater issue.
Did I miss something in the article that said he’s not from California?
Please don’t conflate the OC with the rest of us in the area.
So, we’re all making donations in this fool’s name now, right?
Another day, another gut punch for America.
I really believe that, if you turned that events of the first two months of the Trump administration into a screenplay about a corrupt fictional US Government run by President Smith, and then went back time to 2012 and presented to the major Hollywood studios, all of them would say that you need to tone it down and…