I truly hope that he didn’t know the article was satire, but I fear that he did know, and was just trying to further rile up his base. I think that we need to give these people more credit for knowingly spreading information like this.
I truly hope that he didn’t know the article was satire, but I fear that he did know, and was just trying to further rile up his base. I think that we need to give these people more credit for knowingly spreading information like this.
Thank you for this. I’m from this area, and there are plenty of bigots here, as well. I live in the South, now, and the stereotypes that abound about Californians are hilarious.
I really think this was Trump.
This is one aspect of Jezebel that makes me cringe a little. I understand the importance of bringing attention to those who are just being awful, but for the people who are at least trying? Not ok. It comes off a little “liberal mean girl.”
You are a voice of reason in a sea of emotionally based thinking.
Thanks for this. I already feel discouraged by the infighting that I’ve witnessed in some of these comments. GET IT TOGETHER.
Thank you for this. Thank you so much.
Also, did you catch that he used the term “ fake news”? Newly minted by Trump. Telling.
I’ve always had major respect for Tilda Swindon, and thought that Margreat Cho came off as thirsty. So, great. Market Cho did a thirsty thing. Moving on.
I don’t know, narcissists like hanging together, at least until it blows up. It’s the whole “ I only associate with other special people” thing.
Except for the whole winning the popular vote by over 200,000.00 thing.
I don’t normally comment, but I felt the need to point out the hypocrisy of this article. I’m all for pointing out if a women is being body shamed, for whatever reason, but to call a white, non curvy, white, blonde, blue eyed girl a “ walking bowl of buttered noodles” is absolutely doing the SAME DAMN THING.