
if they simply lacked experience but didn’t watch so much porn, they wouldn’t be full of so many misogynistic misconceptions about what sex is actually like in real life. just because you know one or two women who’ve told you they like bukkake or rough sex or whatever doesn’t mean that most straight women like getting

glad we’re on the same page about your irrelevance

and you’re married to this adult child why?

because i actually talked to them about these things? some of us actually do communicate with the men we have sex with and ask them stuff like what they’re thinking and how they feel about things, including stuff like watching porn and how much it influenced their perspective. this is generally how one learns about

i find it interesting that they present what they’re doing as “protecting ‘real’ women from trans women”—when most women don’t feel threatened at all by sharing their spaces with trans women. it’s these bigots that feel threatened by the existence of trans people, and then they project their insecurity onto women and

solid argument, bro.  i can’t possibly dismantle that. lol

watching you jerk off your little angry chud micropeen all over these comment threads is hilarious

cry more, chud.

yup yup, immigrants are ruining everywhere, blah blah blah

LMAO @ you thinking i care about whether some rando chud “respects” me.

not every writer is suited for stand-up.  i prefer the writer’s room.  thanks for noticing my talent, though.  ;)

totally ignorant of what autism is (not a mental illness), not surprising from derp mcderpington over here.

ajdslfkjasldfkjalskdfjaslkdfjsadkllkasdjflkasdjf   i can type letters too.  isn’t this fun? lol

i didn’t call you a nazi, but whatever snowflake.  i know not everyone that spouts that bullshit is an actual nazi, most of you are just credulous morons looking for acceptance.


tl;dr lol

what you’ve described is the psychological mechanisms at work in the mind of a sadistic sociopath.  it’s cool that you have that self-awareness, i guess.

we are laughing at the joke.  the joke here is you.

the first half of it was comedy, but then she drops it and presses in to the discomfort to make her point about why she was considering leaving comedy.  i thought that technique was really effective and i enjoyed the performance and was ultimately quite moved by it.

someone’s triggered.