Really? That's pretty generous of you. Usually when garments get fucked up during manufacturing they don't sell them. The simplest explanation is that they absolutely do this shit on purpose because they're, like super edgy.
Really? That's pretty generous of you. Usually when garments get fucked up during manufacturing they don't sell them. The simplest explanation is that they absolutely do this shit on purpose because they're, like super edgy.
For fuck's sake, what is WRONG with people?! It's only 9:30 am but this may be enough internet for today already.
He's also sexist:
Oh my god, seriously. Just because she also hates Iggy Azalea doesn't mean she's awesome. The enemy of my enemy is sometimes still just a huge fucking douchebag.
Hi, can people stop defending Azealia Banks NOW?
She orders from Papa Johns? God she's gross.
Not to fear. Crabs are very friendly.
Another question: Whose face did they photoshop onto her face? Because that most certainly is not what her fucking face looks like.
If that happened to me, I'd just leave it.
I don't say "Dear" ever. Any other salutation is less awkward.
I've never watched this show. Now I want to solely to see the woman drunkenly eating corn on the cob in a ball gown.
"I'm not a hookup girl, I'm wife material." This shit puts me into a rage spiral every time.
"Her mouth isn't a virgin," scoffed Carly
My favorite part was when Ashley I. had a meltdown over not being invited on the Cinderella date and subsequently put on her Kardashian makeup and pageant dress as if she WERE going, but instead just wandered around the Bachelor mansion crying, drinking wine, and eating corn on the cob.
When Lilo photoshops her photos, Jez makes fun of her. When Beyonce does it, she either had nothing to do with it, or she is a victim to the pressures on women to be perfect, or there's no certainty the obvious photoshop is really a photoshop.
I was once pro-choice. A medical school friend invited me to see an abortion performed and I went. It's murder.
Women who have abortions are not people. They are slutty sinning sinner sluts. Duhhhhh.
... Because you didn't. At least not in the way discribed.