
It's ok, In 2 years, she'll have a Mommy blog about her snowflake child who can't process the complex sugars in refined carbohydrates and is allergic to the colour red.

This woman is the type of mother that makes me hate mothers.

How... many... goddamn... elipses... does... this... hack... use...?

Am I the only one who thinks that it looks like Goodell pissed his pants in that picture?

On paper, Beyoncé is the poster child for Huckabee's "Bubba culture" (that's what he called it on The Daily Show last night) values:

Huckabee is way closer to "bubble" than he is "bubba". Dude owns a fucking $3 million house in Florida.

"Fin adds that anyone who's offended ... is "just jealous," telling Bloom, "It's all because women want to look like that model or they want to be at least as confident as she is to be able to let it go and do a photo shoot in their lingerie. People are jealous that they aren't confident enough and attractive

Check this part out:

Hmm yes, the Uncle Terry Lite school of art. Deep. Really thought provoking. Her facial expression says, "Lets all go do shots!" but her train lingerie says, "I already did shots!" I like the juxtaposition of the model with all the haterz trying to commute. Probably to their stupid ass day jobs that are not edgy at

People are jealous that they aren't confident enough and attractive enough.

Fin charges $5 per episode and $50 for an all-access package, which includes every uncensored episode.

Much art

You know you're learning a language and can understand individual words you're reading but those individual words don't really give you context to understand the sentences...this is how I felt reading this article in my native language.

Another terrible show for stupid people. Imagine a world where the media didn't pander to the lowest common denominator i.e. the idiot.

Oh great, another Scott Van Pelt story.

What the hell? The entire plea deal was he gets off entirely if he quits his job?

Who did they entrust to do the photoshopping? Is there some super-enlightened Orthodox guy working for the newspaper who can handle looking at female politicians without being overcome with lust?

I've enjoyed the first season of 'Serial' and look forward to the next season, but I've never thought of it as a murder mystery. Going in, I didn't expect a grand reveal in the final episode, a moment where Koenig assembles all the interviewed individuals in a tasteful British country estate parlor, pulls out a pipe