

I 100% agree with this; I noticed this in my own speech a while ago and have been working to correct it.

When I was 14 I had sex with a 27 year old man who convinced me it would be a good time and that I would accepted and loved and finally be cool. It was rape. I had no idea what consent was, I hardly even knew that I had a choice. BECAUSE I WAS A BABY. Rape. (and just inc ase you're wondering, I also lost my virginity

People have regrettable sex all the time, including sex with people in a position of power. But it's silly to not distinguish that from rape. After all, did Bill Clinton rape Monica Lewinsky? He was literally the most powerful man in the world and she was a lowly intern and quite young.

He has a long, long history of grooming underaged children for sex. The incident where he raped and urinated on an underaged girl in front of a video camera was just the most public of a lengthy series of similar incidents.

In real life, you referred to a grown man raping a 15 year old girl as "regrettable sex". That's disgusting. I pray that they don't let you around kids.

"People have regrettable sex all the time"

I'm not going to lie: I totally made this all about me because I have recently taken up jogging. Now on my morning jogs, I'll have to start envisioning heroic moments and being ready to rush into action at the drop of a hat.

Seriously. Headline might as well read "R. Kelly Still a Horrible Douche. Not a Single Person is Surprised"

Rape is about consent. Having sex with a minor is about the ability for that person to consent. Statutory RAPE is called such because someone who is older and therefore in a position of power (or definitely in the case of a famous person) is taking advantage of a young, not fully informed, person's ability to consent

far from the clinical definition of pedophilia

Who would think that being trans is not the biggest issue in this kid's life. That piece of shit criminal father is the real challenge.

I have a friend (a member of the LGBTQ community) who lives in a very conservative city and she is starting a school that is specifically intended to be a safe space for students, where they will be accepted no matter their gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religion, ethnicity, etc. You would think just

Statutory RAPE.

The problem is that, given Robert Kelly's general level of shitbaggery, transphobia isn't something that surprises anyone. Also, I don't know if you've ever met a black trans person or know much about that intersection (I have and I do) but black culture makes the act of coming out (as anything other than straight,

Man, it's things like this that make me so thankful for my parents. They've accepted me for who I am, even if they don't understand it.

Wow, I feel bad for this kid. He seems to be really on top of gender identity stuff, but he's just fourteen and has R. Kelly as a parent. That really blows. I hope there's someone there looking out for him.

If only; I'm pretty staunchly against drunk driving, and I had to drive to work this morning.

Oh good, I was briefly worried that R. Kelly would do something that WASN'T horrible so I'd have to start saying "he's a pedophile and a rapist but he does at least stand by his kids." Nope! Just a terrible human being wall-to-wall. It's almost refreshing in its simplicity.

I still haven't topped the time I was driving around looking at houses (way back when I was thinking of buying a home) and I saw a beautiful house with a sign that said "For Sale." A man and woman were in the driveway, and I slowed down and asked if the house was for sale. That's not even the stupid part.