Not even a good farmers market!
Not even a good farmers market!
Awww, yay. Fiance-man and I needed this smile today. YAY ALBERTA. YAY WREN.
They actually have really good pizza! I don't go downtown often, but Transfer is worth it. Not just for this story :p
The category is Wisconsin Gubernatorial Appointees. Just walk away and go somewhere safe.
Kleefisch is a butt. Oh god I've had too much vodka and am saying indiscriminate mean things about 'Sconnie government on the internets. WISCONSIN, I LOVE YOU I AM SORRY MY VOTES COULDN'T SAVE YOU.
*I legitimately pop a boner every time I think about how upset this fact is making Scott Walker and Paul Ryan right now.
If you run on the platform of equality and cookies, I will move and register wherever I need to in order to assure that I can vote for you.
You know, I don't harbor any particular shit toward New Jersey but I really didn't think I was ever going to say this:
Server/bartender here: you're right that if there's nothing else going on, and just in general, that is not super great service. I hear ya.
I hammered this out in a different comment thread, but decided to pull it start a new one. PSA about how pronouns are really not that hard!
I totally hear and lament what you're saying, so this isn't me railing against you, okay? It's me railing against everybody else.
"the latest trend in the "Transguy" culture" might be the most hilarious thing I have read on the internet. It's also obviously BULLSHIT, but I'm still gonna puffy-paint it on a tee shirt and give it to my fiance-man for his birthday.
This is also the story of the first time I had edibles and the first time got high.
It shouldn't be Herculean! The only way to beat dementia is on the onset/science side, and it would save so much time, money, and heartache if we could just get the money into the right research. But you're right, people just don't want to put money there.
Thank you for linking the Alzheimer's Association — my family has worked with them closely since my father's dementia diagnosis and they're doing really good and important work.
Wow, even though your timing on this comment has (obviously) nothing to do with my life today, it couldn't have been at a more perfect moment for me to catch it on my follow feed.
Nobody better ever charge me for tearing the purse hooks off their stall doors now, because I will be doing that EVERYWHERE.