
Pretty much dead on except: "Thinks drugs are stupid. The Milwaukee Bro will literally drink himself to near death before trying a line of blow."

Maybe it's just because the bros around me are young, but they'll try anything once. And I hear heroine's been gaining traction though. Or maybe that's just in the suburbs. :/

I was gonna say this. Southeast WI Bro is half Chicago Bro and half Great Plains Bro but he thinks he's Portland Bro and he wants to be Manhattan Bro and LAX Bro at the same damned time.

You, sir, are awesome. Basically — yes, this, is a lot of what I've heard and witnessed from my guy. I've loved getting to see my him start hormones and get treated so much better in our little podunk town where he manages/delivers pizzas — not only did the dirty/confused looks go down significantly when he got easier

Exactly. Had an interesting convo with fiance recently about how (in his experience) part of being successful as/while trans is about *people not knowing that you're trans* — i.e. stealth, passing, whatever you want to call it. (Tangent: he suggested this might further complicate the invisibility trans* people already

'Sconnie here. you made my WEEK.

This, very this, was my experience at a private college in small-town Maine. I made better friends with the college-employed "townies" than a lot of my classmates.

Age 19. Visiting Florida to spend time with my (long distance, internet) girlfriend at the time — who turned out to be crazy but them's the breaks — at the home of our mutual friend who was Grown Up and had Her Own Place ... and a four-year-old. Grown-Up Mutual Friend has gone to work; we've promised to keep an eye on

This is the best comment out of all the comments.

Thank you for writing this, and I absolutely agree. As a feminine-presenting cis woman, I have never in memory had anxiety about where/when I would go to the bathroom in a public space. Gotta poop? Go poop! My fella, on the other hand, is (understandably) fucking terrified to use most public restrooms. Because of the

This is my body shape, too! I have been having a shitty few days body-image-wise, and whined at my partner last night that I totally love my bod naked, but most clothes really don't fit me the way I think they should (read: the way they fit the girls in the pictures).

Mostly it was really cool to get to surprise myself

You guys, but lead is SO RETRO. Right?

The high contrast with the white background makes it look choppy at first, but with a very quick closer look it becomes pretty obvious that these are real-person elbows on a real person. If it had really been some Target-esque Photoshop hackery there's no way the 'shopper would have also re-shaded the arms so well.

Um, I am for sure going to adopt this system. It definitely jives with my deal. We are already running something very similar except our "hampers" and "piles" get garbled together, which borks everything. I never realized I could just keep them separate; I just figured I was cave-person levels of dysfunctional! THANK

Are there ways to do laundry that don't involve triage? Do people just ... I don't even. Do they start washing things in smaller loads, as they get dirty and while they actually still have clean underwear?

My fiance eats icy-pops by the fistful; I enjoy them but much more sparingly. The real reason I love him, though, is that he cuts the corners off for me.

Yep. As fun and "edgy" as it sounds now, I know I'd be crying later.

I'm weirdly tempted to get my own picture sneak-posted (friends on reddit) because I didn't get enough positive attention as a child and I sort of want to know how much garbage I could collect.

EDIT: WATSON, SWEET CHRIST, AND I CAN'T EVEN EDIT. that is aaaaalllll wine.

I'm not sure if it's you, the wine, or EMMA THOMPSON, but my night just got 900% better. Thanks.

Pissed as hell for three reasons.

1: I'm on the rag so nobody can do anything right. Sorry about that.
2: These are real women, for sure, and so are haute-skinny models, but so are women with wildly different skin and body types. These ladies are lovely but they are not the kind of representative, incredibly unique