
So I should just change my Gawker bookmark to point to The Concourse? Done and done.

You are correct, the show is likely almost unfathomable to anyone who doesn’t follow sports with the same intensity as Joe Rogan trying to keep the crazy in. I spend half of my work day reading ESPN and Deadspin and even I had to parse out the “...NBA steamrolling my July 4 weekend...” comment.

From what I read on the actual settlement page, it looks like this to me: people (like me) who owned an affected car on 9/18/15, but who sold their cars before 6/28/16 are known as ‘Eligible Sellers’. These people must “identify yourself with 45 days of the entry of the Preliminary Approval Order.” Under current

He deserves getting hit in the face for filming in portrait mode.

Exactly. I have had this argument with a number of people, and I’m almost always in the minority in terms of thinking it is a barbaric practice.

How can I, in good faith, accept the sucker punch/non sucker punch judgment of a writer who only paragraphs later writes this:

Fitbit Charge ( Normally around $110, I got my most recent one on sale for $55 from AT&T store. Does a good job of keeping track of steps, stairs, and sleep with minimal effort on my part. I use the watch function far more often than I would have thought, and it also shows me who is

Fitbit Charge ( Normally around $110, I got my most recent one on sale for $55 from

I can agree with you on all of those points - especially the GoT one. If I miss it Sunday night, I avoid all screens like the plague on Monday until I get it watched. Sorry ATM, I’m not looking at you either. Fool me once...

Be sure to read Tom Ley’s other stellar opening weekend movie reviews:

Perhaps you are referring to the single 2011 UCSD study (of only 30 college students) that seemed to indicate readers of short stories rated them more enjoyable if they were told the ending in advance. I might counter with a similar study (…) of over 400 students that suggests

I would apologize for the hitting you with a spoiler here, but nothing has been spoiled, and that’s its problem.

My favorite part is how Sean Kilpatrick begins demonstrating his displeasure at his teammates’ poor defense before Hickson even crosses the free throw line, and while Kilpatrick himself is in the lane, just a step away from the restricted area. He actually finishes his gesture before Hickson’s dunk goes through the

Are there any built for the 17/52 ratio that I’ve been working under while on Gawker sites today?

Apparently Nick Young holds proper apostrophe usage in much higher regard than other Twitter punctuation.

Indeed. I wasn’t referring to your original post, but rather the comments following it which have fractured, at last count, into about 15 different versions of “what she really meant was...”

This seems like a lot of analysis and hand-wringing over 140 characters that amount to little more than vaguely worded passive-aggressive aside. Before anyone goes around tossing out more adjectives like “shitty” and “repulsive”, may I suggest you Google “Trump, Donald J.” English is a beautifully expansive language,

MY (fairly uninformed) guess is that the players had no problem with the situation. But the front office thought that paying $13MM to a designated hitter should give them some latitude to tell said player that they’d appreciate it if he’d spend more time in the preseason improving on last year’s .207 batting average

I have never understood the popularity of Cracker Barrel - a dining room full of old people eating meatloaf, green beans, and mashed potatoes, surrounded by what seems to be leftover props from Little House of the Prairie screwed to the wall. Maybe it’s a nostalgic throwback for everyone else in the country, but here

Just went back to the corporate world after 18 months freelancing for many of the reason listed above plus:

I had the same question and was told (correctly, I believe) that Paul was lobbying for a foul call on Green against Jordan on the dunk.