
Nah, I'm a rational person who finds left wing hypocrisy to be incredibly vile.

thanks mate, much appreciated

when you are getting so mad the yes I can't help myself

yeah because issues of economic freedom and having greater control over who enters you country are issues separated from sovereignty, right? Sovereignty is the heart of issue., and not just in the UK but across all of Europe.

yeah its my literal backyard, pretty cool ey

nice job not getting it, I'm making fun of stupid lefty jargon. The concept of privilege is complete bull

i'm sure you've got a safe space waiting for you somewhere

European isn't a nationality.


I can't even express how wrong I think you are on this.

makes it even more embarrassing. Echoing sentiments of like someone that 50 years earlier would have been a supporter of the Soviet Union

Bet based on what? You telling me about my own backyard? So I can see you've got that American arrogance down pat.

Yes I have, and as an actual European I know hell of a lot more about anti EU sentiment than an American thats for sure. Check your American privilege pal.

Sovereignty is the main issue for being anti EU across Europe. It is the heart of the movement.

What a simplistic reading of the situation. Using things like the troubles as justification for staying in the EU is absurd.

your cute, keep trying

So not wanting to a part the EU is xenophobic? Yeah, that's reasonable (rollseyes)

Its exactly what they said. The end of the troubles has absolutely nothing to with the EU and even mentioning it is disgusting.

Ah yeah, so going broke is based on what? Your expertise? Cheers. Why am I not surprised that the leftist army of the AV club supports an authoritarian organisation like the EU. May the regressives march on.

Sorry, but as a person of a nation in the EU, sovereignty is absolutely the number one issue for wanting to get out of that vile empire. Who are you to lecture me?