Melanie Victor

No, I’m DNAPL. But if a comment bores the everloving freaking snot out of just one commenter, my work is done here. I mean, who doesn’t like to dig deep into fundamental physical properties of materials? Especially water, the universal solvent. Speaking of energy sinks (or energy vampires), our oceans were once

There’s only so many ways to write “the President is plainly guilty and the Republicans, along with 40% of the American people, do not care.”

No way, same here. I read aloud in a high school class and pronounced misled like “mistletoe” if you dropped the “oe.” I remember feeling my whole head get flushed. But looking back, meh, it’s a word that looks funny written out. I’ve heard adults mispronounce it.

I’m one of those kids in the very special club who said “orgasm” instead of “organism” while reading in class. 

Just to be clear, I deeply regret volunteering to read that day.

In high school I was reading aloud in class and pronounced ‘Hyperbole’ as “Hyperbowl”.  I still visibly cringe when I remember that moment.

That’s why I carry a separate phone, calculator, alphanumeric pager, alarm clock, camera, flashlight, music player, video player, handheld gaming device, NFC payment, GPS device, voice assistant, barcode scanner, wireless hotspot, and ebook reader at all times.  Stupid smartphones!

You know not what you speak of!

Agh, watching it fail a fingernail test was painful.

Funny none of that was mentioned in the article. 

I might buy the third iteration if/when it hits $700 or so. I'm going to be waiting a while, but I like the idea. 

Step right up, beta testers UH WE MEAN VALUED CUSTOMERS!

Not for me but if you’re careful enough, like all electronics & phones, you may not run into issues the first version had.    I’d buy insurance for this lol

For those actually considering spending $2,000 on this thing and haven’t seen the JerryRig durability test really, really need to watch that video before swiping your credit card.

But have we considered how these crystals respond to dark energy? Quantum variation?