Melanie Victor

This reminds me of a 5th grade spelling test debacle. I never had an issue with spelling and I found the tests pretty easy. I found most of my academic endeavors quite easy throughout all of my schooling and even college. It did not serve me well as a young adult though. I was so used to things coming easy to me, so

I still do that in my head when I read that word. It’s just one of those things with me. My daughter is grown, with excellent reading and spelling skills, but she pronounces climate like this when she’s reading aloud: klī-MATE’. My husband pronounces esophagus like this: EE’-so-phay-guss. I’m actually glad I’m not the

Well, I’m just going to share my first ever regret, which occurred somewhere between the ripe old age of 2 or 3 years old. I was playing in the sand in my rural ‘backyard’.... My mom had given me some spoons and other cutlery to play with in the sand. I was thoroughly enjoying myself, when a seemingly brilliant idea

The illnesses are tragic, but it’s also tragic that flavored, nicotine eliquids have been demonized and banned in both MI and NY over this. The illnesses have NOTHING to do with nicotine flavored eliquid. The cause is blackmarket THC cartridges, and the oils used to make the cartridges seem like a higher quality

Ummmm, do you know if there might be a link somewhere for beta testers? Asking for a friend...

I never knew about the first version of this ‘flip-phone,’ but when I first saw the2.0 version,’ here, I had to wipe the small collection of drool from my face......I saw it as THEE answer to my prayers. I thought to myself, “I can simplify! Wow! This is like a smartphone, tablet and mini-laptop——-all in one!” 

I was in a crystal buying spree about 6 months ago. I love the allure; the idea that crystals might have some sort of healing abilities, but I also just love Earth treasures like crystals/stones, fossils, etc. Some of the stones I bought were for “dispelling negative energy”(just repeating what I read, not saying I