
I mean, their whole thing is painting the US as the plucky underdog that manages to win against all odds, instead of the leading world military superpower that could literally destroy every country in the planet five times over.

Ah yes, “Mosquito” (1994). I think I saw it around that time, too. Featuring the longest chainsaw I’ve ever seen.

Same. It got old pretty fast.

After the crapfest of Matrix 2 and 3 I can’t believe they feel like it’s a great idea to do another one. And without LF, even.

Sometimes I feel bad for the people who will be alive 100 years from now. They’ll have a real shit sandwich to deal with.

Oh no, I’ll just have to spend 5 minutes looking for a torrent if I want to watch it. The important thing is the corporation is getting that PR.

Seriously. Last season I watched till the cop episode (which is probably the only one I liked). It just all felt unnecesarily bloated. The faster pace of the original is vastly superior. Maybe I’ll drag myself through the rest of S1 and this when I finish Seinfeld.

I’m just glad when Sharlto Copley is in stuff. The guy’s awesome.

WTF I loved her movies! I think I watched most of them, this is really sad. A damn shame, so young.

I’m seeing Elle F. in all the things now, good for her. She’s really great and has a killer smile.

Call Goggins, he doesn’t even have to wear pants ffs.

A new *-Wipe?! Amazing news!

And now I’m back wishing Farley was still around. AGAIN. Thanks, AVC.

Awesome! This show is low key great, the cast is as likeable as it gets. Having Keith David is an automatic win for me, I’m a simple man.

What a fair and reasonable justice system.

The trailer for this felt like the most derivative thing ever produced. Am I out of touch? No it’s the kids who are wrong.

I say we go to Charlie Brooker’s house and burn it down, just to be sure.

Oh wow, had completely forgotten he was in 20k Leagues. Haven’t seen that one in... more than 20 years it seems. Fuck I’m really old.

Can someone explain how synthetics blew up Mars? As in, how are there synthetics? I thought Data was the only android in existence? I’ve only watched TNG (show and movies) and DS9, so maybe I’m missing something.

Another question: I always thought he talks like that because he’s italian-american I think? Is he really trying to sound black?