
Denpak was Gavin’s ghost writer/roomate. He was there in the documentary.

I’m exited to have found your Kinja user, Mike Stoklasa! Love your work.

The last scene with Robot and Elliot was brilliant, both really nailed it.

So glad they made 4 seasons. Maybe I’m in the minority but I enjoyed all of it. It reminded me somehow to the best episodes of “Sliders”, way back in the day.

Not to be a dick, but using “Simpsons” and “character arc” in the same comment should not be allowed in any way, shape or form.

Surely the people who made WD2 watched the shit out of Robot. And both the game and the show share Ashlie Atkinson, even.

Haha that’s amazing. Haven’t seen that one in 20+ years.

No representation necesary because, honestly, most people who are really alone just give up and go thru the motions and then die. And that’s not compelling or interesting for anybody (or as interesting as developing an alter-ego and face a murderous conspiracy).

Nooo :(

Yeah, from the trailer I thought the “street samurai” character seemed more interesting (by no small part by the fact it reminded me of Shadowrun, ngl). It’s a hard pass imo.

Here’s hoping Palpatine says any of his greatest hits: “dew it”, “gooood”, “i’m so weak” or “unlimited power”. I’ll be a sad panda if not.

Not sure if I’m going to watch this, but I just want to point out that Jeremy Irons as an older Matthew Goode is brilliant casting and I love it.

So bring back a 2014 article about a 2008-aired show? Seems legit.

One of the best Hot Ones. What an awesome dude.

They literally showed her being a great shot. She’d nailed that butthole anyway.

I was just thinking that. What a fox.

Man, that part with the child Krystal was heartbreaking.

Aurora Borealis? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within a derelict weapons manufacturing plant?

Ohh shit, I didn’t know Goggins was in on this! What a delight that good man is.

KD is always so great I feel she’s kind of taken from granted. There isn’t a role of hers I haven’t loved.