
can you link me to those demographics? But everyone already knew white men suck. If you want to slice and dice demographics till you can get something you can hang your hat on go nuts. White women are the type to smile to your face but pop shit when your not around. Pick your poison.

I’m not sure you can draw any conclusions from that fact as there are many confounding factors, the most obvious of which is that Trump is an opponent of women’s rights. It may very well be that college-educated white women are more racist than similarly situated white men, they just chose Clinton in order to preserve

Pretty much, which is one of the reasons why I’m letting her off, and also why I’m mad at this faux outrage on behalf of a “Scottish Highlander” like Swinton. Cho’s terrified. And as I’ve been saying, she’s not really hurting anyone.

White people are the worst, but since college-educated white women were the only white demographic that majority-voted for Clinton instead of Trump, are you really going to say that they’re worse than white men?

Could you not? People break down and they just... stop.

I’m really pretty fucking unsurprised. It reminds me of the threads about Rachel Roy and Lemonade. Or Jesse Williams speech and the comments sections that followed. It’s a clear pattern here and it’s embarrassing as hell.

No, she took a whitewashed role of her own free will. She is responsible for the consequences.

Obviously I disagree, but do you really think it crosses into lying? She relayed the events (presumably!) as they felt to her.

Far be it for my black ass to defend white feminists, but a lot of these comments seem to come from white dudes. White women are no better on racism, but the strong and deep sense of entitlement to PoC’s time and attention is peak White Dude.

This thread is so good, & is a way more efficient/effective read than anything written on this site about the topic.

White women are the worst. The story of white feminism is hey minorities support us we are just like you. We will get in first and leave the door open. Most of the time they get in and then slam the door in our face.

It’s so embarrassing. I hope Kara hit them in the face on Monday, because she’s pretty clearly not. pleased.

I saw that too. Actually people all around the internet are talking about what a white feminist trainwreck this comment section is. Kind of embarrassing.

You are absolutely correct.

Thanks for the Demby tweet thread. I agree.

Anyone who isn’t creamy white will be the New Muslims. I had a senior citizen asshole scream at me, a few weeks before the election, to “go back to your country” and something about Iran and Sharia, while I was putting gas in my car. I’m Mexican (family from Texas - going way back) and mediterranean (immigrant

I don’t give a shit about comic books or comic books movies. It just occurs to me that in this scenario Margaret Cho is always going to lose because she is an awkward loudmouth and Tilda Swinton is always going to win because she is an elegant, cool lady. The Team Swinton folks should acknowledge that, yes? She comes

The write-up and comment section in the last article was straight up fucking gross, and it’s horrifying to see a community that claims feminism to so completely fail to critically examine their own assumptions. Every time someone said that Margaret looked bad, she’s a liar, she wants attention is just. . . what the

We Asians are freaking out. We are scared in ways we haven’t been in decades. If Trump goes to war with China, then we are the New Muslims. We will be persecuted. We will be killed. I feel this is a manifestation of this. And all you can do is report on the beef between two actresses instead of focusing on the

I’m sure this minor dust-up won’t have people coming in here to drum their political opinion that Margaret Cho is “everything that’s wrong with the left” and that Swinton is ‘a weird human alien hybrid who floats through life casually ignoring her own privilege.’