I only pointed it out bc she brought it up herself in a different thread. Get over it.
I only pointed it out bc she brought it up herself in a different thread. Get over it.
Exactly! We’re getting gaslighted(gaslit?) from both sides!
I know you catch more flies with honey but I have no interest in catching flies. They’re repulsive germ carriers who kill millions of people every year.
And also maybe don’t refer to half of the country as deplorable. Turns out people don’t like being called stupid and patronized.
Not really.
It’s about a large number of white people (I’d put the number at around 60%) who have a really hard time accepting the fact that black people no longer have to ride on the back of the bus, women can choose to get an abortion and use BC, gay people can marry, and that whites will soon be a plurality (and eventually a…
As opposed to calling people rapists, murderers, people not fit to be judges because of color, and unable to be truly sexually assaulted because they’re not a “10".
Yeah, well, don’t vote for a racist, sexist, xenophobic asshole and I won’t call you deplorable. Fair?
Tell her about the voter suppression laws OH, WI, and NC not only ran to enact, but then bragged about after (Republican!) Chief Justice Roberts RAN to gut Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.
Fair enough, but they just voted in a man who is part of the problem. He helped cause the shit hell they are in job wise. So trust me, go read “Deer Hunting with Jesus”, it is eye opening. There is a lot of ignorant misinformation going on by Republicans in areas where Democrats forgot. But this is different. There…
Is that what you would say to an 8 year old boy who thinks his parents are about to get deported? That those words he heard on tv had no meaning and the best thing to do now is chin up and let’s be positive moving forward? Would you say that to the mom who has to comfort her crying kid bc he thinks his parents are…
Another thing they like to say is that he was “just using racism to get votes.”
Have whatever opinions you want! But know you come across as a complete ass who is trying to rationalize what has happened. When it isn’t rational. You talk about coastal elites and how they don’t understand how patronizing they are, but what Drumpf and his like have done, including his supporters, they just need us…
Omg you really need to stop with this
Sorry. I will just refer you to all my previous posts from yesterday and today. Not repeating myself.
This isn’t meant to be directed at you, but I get really tired of the way Republicans talk about my home region. I am Midwest small town born and raised, and I’m a liberal. I come from parents who are liberal, and grandparents that are liberal, all from small towns in the Midwest as well. When Republicans try to talk…
the truth hurts, i guess.
I just got a notice I was unfriended by a relative for not ‘playing nice’. I have not insulted anyone, merely displayed concern for people being terrorized and rights being taken away and engaging in conversation about these topics. These people have their fingers in their ears and unless drumpff decides to start…
They won’t care. Facts don’t matter to them.
His supporters don’t care.