
I’m quite certain Colin Kapernick has never said he’s oppressed. He’s fighting for those who are. Why is this a concept Republicans don’t get?

Joe Paterno’s son is already denying he knew anything about this.

“The plane is an eyesore!” -Some guy who probably owns a Nissan Juke

Did your professor also have a string of pearls hung next to the article for people to clutch while they read it?

I just feel actively bad all the time

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

No, I don’t think so. The fact that he could be a part of the “Never Trump” movement and then is willing to kiss the ring immediately after the election suggests he’s fickle and self-interested.

He’s sane, but he’s also a cruel, selfish grifter. He sees a place to profit (Mitt! Savior of the country! Even liberals respect his noble sacrifice! We should just appoint him President!) and puts himself in it. That doesn’t make him worse than any of Trump’s other picks, they’re all monsters, but it doesn’t leave

Racism is not a mental illness, nor is mental illness an excuse for racism.

I’m pretty sure the common thread here is marijuana. The employees got freaked out by a customer and hid in the back: high. Dude goes to CVS in the middle of the night looking for cheese and spends 45 minutes wandering around the store: high.

I am, again, legit horrified by race relations in this country - but how did they look around a CVS for 30-45 minutes?

No we can’t. That’s the problem. Pro Choice people see a troubled young girl, desperately in need of help, failed by draconian cuts of vital social services.

this is what happens when help is not available.  

I wished for an October Surprise. This is like a month of Halloween. Like, after a few days, it’s not fun, anymore. You ate all your good candy, you have a stomach ache, you have to figure out what to do with the shitty candy, and your parents won’t let you take off your costume or wash off the day’s old makeup.


In cases of legitimate rapists winning the Republican nomination, well, the female electorate has ways to shut the whole thing down.

My brother has/had mental health issues and “call the cops” was the advice his psychologist gave to my parents when he acted semi-aggressively as a teen, less than 5 years ago. He wasn’t violent, just angry, and never brandished a weapon. They took her up on her advice many times, despite my pleas not to (I would

All religions suck.

Aaand this is why Evangelicals are supporting a thrice-married philanderer who, up until recently, supported abortion rights.

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