
That’s a dumb statement though. They have something to do with high fashion because they model the high fashion, duh. Clearly they’re not designers themselves but are we expecting models pass some sort of high fashion litmus test? That’s preposterous. They need to look a certain way and pose and walk around. This guy

I posted not long ago my disagreement that Gigi and KJ are not real models but I’ve seen been reeducated and yeah they’re kind of dead behind the eyes. However Gigi will now forever have a special place in my heart for standing her ground and taking this motherfucker down. The entitlement with which he manhandled her

While I consider Gigi Hadid beautiful, she and her friend Kendall Jenner have nothing to do with high fashion.

Absolutely damn right they will, and they should.

Now this is the story!

That added sentence doesn’t make up for the shit pile that is the rest of this article.

Plus, the weird insinuation that she’s being catty because McKinnon won over Chlumsky? All women are pitted against and rooting against one another until proven innocent or something?

I get the little yarn Stassa was trying to spin but I hope she feels like an asshole.

The author of this article thinks looking towards the side is an eye-roll. It’s a fairly common mistake made by no one.

Yeah, tacking that on at the end really doesn’t fix it. If you had any sense you’d take this bullshit down completely.

Agreed. Hey guys! We totally fixed it and mentioned that her dad died! That’s all anyone was upset about, right?! Jesus.

The one sentence at the end totally clears it up and makes the tone of the rest of the article okay. /s

Leave it to Jezebel to try and pit two talented actresses against one another. This is such a disgrace.

Delete this. I’m embarrassed for y’all.

But she’s so pretty when she smiles!

Yeah and what eye roll am I supposed to be seeing?

I’d say the look was JLD trying to hold it together because McKinnon had just mentioned her late father which reminded JLD about her loss TWO days ago!!

What’s up with her?? Her dad died you asshole.

I’m sorry, Stassa, but this article basically amounts to, “Smile, it can’t be that bad.”

Um, maybe she was distracted because she lost her father on Friday?