
Except that most people aren’t over Apple removing the headphone jack. It’s still a pain. Every single day.

Some of us are DEFINITELY not over that. I’m a gigging musician and live sound engineer...Apple’s vision for the future of audio does not line up with mine. this why I got this email the other day?

That’s because women are human beings just like men, and human beings can be awful and depraved. So-called benevolent sexism/paternalism at work in the thinking that women are like children or something and therefore not capable of even the horrible things that men are more frequently thought of doing because their

SHE-EO... really?

... really?

D.B. Pooper

Wow, what a bunch of THUGS

Dear 19-year old SmugAardvark,

Never finance. Just buy weird old used shit and spend your money fixing it.

Any car with a dog in the passenger seat will attract more women than a Ferrari.

Having the event poorly run isn’t really reason enough to not allow a victory lap, especially if they had been allowing them before they fell behind schedule.

Where I used to work we had a regular customer and this was his Aveo. He, no joke, looked and talked just like Uncle Ruckus from The Boondocks, with the crazy eye and everything. We loved Freddy, but we loved laughing about his taste in accessories even more.

You should have him reach out to Jalopnik. We’d love to know more about the Bricklin ownership experience.

My buddy recently bought one of these. Probably not this one though.

I saw a Range Rover with some mud splatter on the sides. And before you say but Ash, dont you mean a 15-year-old Discovery fully kitted out as part of some middle-aged dad fantasy?I will reiterate that it was a real Rangie, no more than 2 years old, bone stock on 20-something-inch wheels.

Parked on top of the line between spaces, backed in, with the rear bumper hanging over the grass on the other side of the curb.

yeah if it had been moved by hand i would have excused the extreme level of douche. but I guess we’re talking about texas here, the land where men feel their masculinity threatened by just being NEAR a smart car

He was getting revenge on him because of the car he drove? That’s just shitty.

So when did this poor kid get his revenge? :(

That’s not revenge. That’s just bullying.