I don’t think she really knows any of the history surrounding Thatcher so she might just have thought PROMINENT WOMAN + IMPORTANT REFERENDUM = LET’S PUT THE TWO TOGETHER ON A TWEET!
I don’t think she really knows any of the history surrounding Thatcher so she might just have thought PROMINENT WOMAN + IMPORTANT REFERENDUM = LET’S PUT THE TWO TOGETHER ON A TWEET!
Not really a surprise. Their parents didn’t exactly come from the shallow end of the gene pool.
Agree. I feel like he and his family deserve a huge apology from us. We should skywrite “Please forgive us” on the day he leaves DC.
Will Hill and Bill retake the white house with a lanniester-esque fury, republicans are gonna wish they had the obama’s back
Honestly, the US didn’t deserve the Obamas. The crap we put them through was shameless, and they handled it with such poise and grace. Also, yay, National Parks!
When did Sasha get so tall!!! What a gorgeous family, sniffle. I’ll miss the hell out of them
OMG I love it. She’s adorable in a “i will fuck your shit up then calmly eat my kibble n bits” sort of way.
Ohhhh, Prissy Paws! Love it when they cross feet like that.
Do you WANT Son of Sam? Because that is how you get Son of Sam!
I would live for this dog, I would die for this dog, I would wipe out entire cities for this dog. This dog has become the master.
incl myself tbh
Dog gives zero fucks.