Sometimes I feel like asking for forgiveness for having played a part in electing him because of everything that came after
Sometimes I feel like asking for forgiveness for having played a part in electing him because of everything that came after
Well if he’d worn anything less corny than mom-jeans, he would have been accused of dressing like a “hood rat.”
Watch her viewership plummet.
I will never, ever, ever be able to unsee that.
Well, to me, girth is more important than length. But in the end, if you really love somebody, size doesn't matter.
I just don’t understand the mass worship of Adele. I realize I'm a minority here. And don't tell me it's because she has a kick-ass voice. Many others do too. Just not seeing anything original there at all. I've tried, believe me I have tried, but I just cannot get through a single Adele song without falling asleep.
Well I almost never canceled plans I made in advance. I would just avoid making plans. Still, I can understand the author's pov. True friends will not abandon you just because you drop off the face of the earth for a while because you are sick, you have a disease.
So you would rather subject your friends to stuff they really don’t want to hear, stuff that makes them uncomfortable or would you rather wait until you can once again be fun to be around?
Thank you for this. I struggle with this a lot right now and have struggled with it in the past. I think the migraine excuse is great! Except for my one friend who tries to diagnose me all the time. I would avoid her more but she needs my support because she is chronically physically ill with a disease that few in the…
Even if he is innocent, is it really the worst thing in the world if ANYBODY who douses a cat and gasoline and throws it into a fire gets 18 years in prison?
I don’t understand this post because since I don’t know who this person is, I tried to find out by clicking on your link, but after reading a few lines, I just couldn’t go through with the whole thing.
I'm sorry, I need to clarify that by saying that I realize some people don't realize they are sick but the consequences of delusions of grandeur will eventually
You can feel sorry for him all you want, but as a person who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder 15 years ago, I can say that I have had to pay a dear price for every mistake I have ever made as a result of that illness. So I have no sympathy for those who can afford treatment and don't get it.