This makes me happy for smart-phones, and small super-computer gadgets.
This makes me happy for smart-phones, and small super-computer gadgets.
Can't live in Boston, 'not allowed in the private sector :P.
@OutofShell: Oooooh, well then, maybe ..umm... he needs to find a new male/lady friend?
@OutofShell: Your friend runs "hot 'n' cold" eh?
@Slikiez: Oh my gosh! When did this happen?
@DouchieSnacks: I absolutely loved the Super Friends Family Guy opening! The Hulk opening is great too, but I flipped when I saw this.
@OutofShell: Stockholm Syndrome is not just a river in Egypt.
I'll see what the morlocks have to say about that research.
@m57: I'm not implying that he's going to die, I'm just saying that for each minute he's not there dazzling people with products the spinning beach ball grows more self-aware.
South Korea see's your hand World and raises you, a monument to your contemporary culture.
Get well, Steve, Apple sucks without you. Trust me it does.
I'm too old to care what my mother thinks.
@FrankN.Stein: NO! /mad-dog! "Growl!"
Back-peddling like this, is quite an acrobatic feat!
@FrankN.Stein: Well I meant vegetables of the catatonic variety.
Is 2011 divisible by 11?
Well, I'd assume so... since a vegetable is not (or no longer) self-aware, everyone else would just go crazy.
@gigawings: El Pika-chu-pa-cabra!
Clearly, the secret to creepiness, is to never wear pants.
@mimiblu: Asking #theworld for anything is like consulting a monkeys paw.