
Hey, I'd buy Mega Man if he didn't suck anymore. Mega Man doesn't need to suck... Really, it shouldn't feel like a gamble and it doesn't have to be cute. FPS Mega Man: Bigger, meaner, badder, darker... realer... browner! (Brown is the new real!) Seriously. Do it!

Cool! it's Terminator meets Team Fortress 2 meets Army of Two (x2). Okay maybe not Team Fortress 2, but I like the attitude and art style.

"High risk of violence." What a label. Go statistics!

Hearted. I love me some Doom.

So basically you're defending his article? It's willful manipulation of information posted as fact, sort'a like statistics, or like propaganda. Who writes these things anyway? Oh yeah, guys like that.

I had a game similar to this one for the Tandy called Gorilla War. You hurled bananas at each other and you had to input that data yourself. Every time I see Angry Birds I think of this game. It seems like a system that you kind in a bunch of other games, so isn't Angry Birds just Worms?

I'll never understand the appeal of this game.

Well, the main thing people remember about the hippies, is that "they didn't work" and since we're still in a pretty bad recession maybe we are all involuntary hipsters.

Hipsters with guns? I thought hippy's hated violence?

Yes. This is stage three of gentrification. The hipsters are now being priced out of Brooklyn. Make way for the Disney families.

Since the Transformer films draw most of their inspiration from the comic story lines, I wonder if the Frances McDormand character becomes Circuit Breaker, whose run in with Shockwave (also featured in the film) left her paralyzed.

I absolutely love these!

Now playing

No, no, no. The voice is all wrong! Here let me help!

"Lies!" This is worse than your average doctors visit! I'll just have to, "cowboy" this out.

"Anglomania?" Is there a cure?

For the sake of Karma (and human decency) I'd only buy this, if you could "play" as the insurgents.

So... basically hipster heads would explode, in space...

"Pfft!" They should have used my metal Mcguffinium. It's made out of All-Spark and Unobtainium.