
Yar. If people just roll with it, the show is fun. There’s a character for everyone to like and probably one for everyone to be annoyed with. That’s how ensembles tend to work.

Caitlyn Jenner has dealt with a lot of scrutiny since publicly coming out as transgender in June of 2016,

If she didn’t ask Bryce Dallas Howard then idc.

There’s also just the issue of population percentage. Those reporting Native ancestry are about 1.7% of the US. First Nations and Metis peoples make up about 5.5% of Canada’s total - roughly around the percentage of all (East/South/Pac. Is.) Asian-Americans in the US for comparison.

Hell, Elvis struck fear in the hearts of middle America during his heyday. People getting their knickers in a twist over music is as old as the hills.

Who can forget Tipper Gore and her crusade against music? When seeing “Parental Advisory Explicit Lyrics” meant “Buy this album”?

Irving Berlin was once banned from the Yale campus.

The sad thing is they don’t need a hobby, they have full time jobs as reporters, journalists, bloggers (whatever you want to call them). They should be looking at stories that actually matter, doing their proper information gathering, and then reporting on things the public needs to know. Instead, it seems like every

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I recommend this video of Dee Snyder testifying in front of the PMRC in 1885.

Most white people have no opinion about this song. Of the white people who do have an opinion, most are listening to, requesting, and/or purchasing the song. Don’t believe Gawker that there is some sort of organized race riot... the story here is invented for clicks.

If someone “holds” a rally and nobody shows up, does it or the group behind it actually exist?

Okay, but realistically, there’s no way she’s eaten at a Red Lobster in the last 15 years, right?

um according to your friends over at Deadspin it was a hoax.

why is this non story getting attention?

Lauren German is so good in this part. She really has the subtleties down. She’s the new master of the slow burn.

They actually did bring up another angle, which was the scene where Chloe sees the scars from when his wings were cut off. She goes to touch them, but he flinches and puts his clothes back on. So that’s obviously a sore spot for him.

Back in the day, I was proposing (not to Disney obviously) a similar way how they could’ve made the character of Tonto from the Lone Ranger reboot less offensive. Instead how having Johnny Depp do the interview circle and talk about how he once rented a Jeep Cherokee, thus is fit to play that role, they should’ve

Yeah, they actually used a joke about nudity as a way to show Colossus’ wholesome character. “Deadpool” wasn’t just crass, it was *clever,* and I hope that’s what all the imitators are able to realize.

I do think that’s a good point. There’s certainly a lot of nudity in Deadpool but it felt a lot more egalitarian. And where the film applied a sexualized gaze, it was sexualizing male characters as well as female characters, and we certainly got plenty of shots of Ryan Reynolds’ ass.