
Lol "legitimately trying".

You forget all the gop nominees that failed in the RNC primaries against Trump.

That poor bastard tried going cold turkey for 12 hours. But much like his shower buddy Donald Trump, he just couldn't go long enough & had to be a petulant child thus granting him his emotional release.

To be fair Chris Wallace & Sheperd Smith have been consistent at calling out Trump's bs.

You'd think the target audience is different now compared to it's earlier seasons but you'd be wrong.

Archie Bunker in All in the family softened his racist rhetoric while still being a bastard.

The angle was about why it's bad and bad pr for Trump to announce leaving the accords.

For my answer, assuming your not being sarcastic; did you even read the part where I posted my feelings about this sitcom?

Yeah, but none of us are neighbors. Nor do any of us work at the same places like these characters do. With that kind of proximity. It doesn't seem that far-fetched.

Before the show sure. They'll have someone interact with the audience to get them fired up. It's no different than the late show doing that before Stephen Colbert goes on.

First you think every audience member is laughing when they laugh?

"At least he had respect for his characters, instead of making them a punchline."

Just because YOU don't see the jokes there doesn't mean others don't.

So how does that make him a worse person than say Dr. Cox or Bob Kelso on Scrubs? Or Homer Simpson, despite him strangling his son more times than one can count.

Maybe laughter is subjective to different people, did you ever think about that?

He did, but his neediness drove women away. From season 7 to now he's still a needy mess. Only difference now is he cut himself off from his father's wealth.

They are in their late 30's, also my old group of college friends (who are in the same age bracket) still gets together sometimes and will watch wrestling, watch movies, hangout, etc. Still doing that at that age is not unheard of.

Doubtful it's sweetened in post production since they'll do many takes when a scene doesn't get the desired reaction right away.

This hyperbolic drama queenesque belief that sitcoms before big bang theory never made a character the butt end of a joke, it's bullshit.