
"BBT's entire joke setup is 'reference-pause for laughter - reference.'"

So those times where he is shown as being considerate don't count?

Yes because characters being the butt end of a joke is so unheard of in a sitcom. Isn't that right Ralph Wiggum, Chief Wiggum, Apu, Grandpa Simpson, and all the rest of the characters on the Simpsons?

Canned laughter =/= studio audience.

The characters from Seinfeld are worse, so what's your point?

While I like The Big Bang Theory (and freely admit the show is past its glory years), this spinoff does nothing for me.

Conservative audience? You have anything objective to back up that claim with? I, along with many of my friends like the show, and we're far from being conservative.

The original Manbat, Kirk Langstrom does get one of those.

I was the same way, but when you've got over 100 Batman tas episodes in the can, it's easier to accept one episode going off on a tangent. Time and perspective (especially when you know Duvall is Ra's son on repeat viewings) have been very good to this episode.

Attend a Trump rally some time. :P

This show needs to watch Young Justice and learn about how those characters went about keeping secrets & telling lies (the theme of that series mind you).

Maybe she's bi-POLAR!? ;) No, I will not apologize for that pun.

Through some batshit? After the crap Barry has pulled messing with time, HE IS THE BATSHIT!

Yeah it was over hyped, but making Savitar, future Barry CAN fix a million problems with Barry's characterization this season. I don't think they'll execute it well, but the opportunity is there.

More like the light was arrogant to the losses that happened around them. The light was the catalyst for the teams creation. That same creation, has been a thorn in their side that they haven't been able to contain.

Max Mercury?

Me too, I use that quote on many occasions.

Actually it's Lenny Leonard & Carl Carlson. Not making that up.

Forget context, it needs to be a surfer.

You think superheroes would stop crime from existing, or people from trying? Wow, just wow.