Wonder Roman

Absolutely ridiculous to say Rowling is a better writer than Steinbeck. More successful, for certain, but then again so is Stephenie Meyer. (Who is actually a pretty good comparison to Rowling, they're both pretty close to the same on a technical level.)

We've already been over this. You don't get credit for things you didn't bother putting into your book.

Using bigger words doesn't make you appear smarter, it makes you look like an idiot who wishes desperately to appear intelligent. (The fact that you wasted your time writing a several page essay, like im going to waste my time doing little more than skimming it, when it's clear you haven even paid me *that* small

Well I don't know what to tell you. You're wrong on just about every level. You clearly know nothing about how this country works, and I really see no further point in continuing to engage with someone so ignorant, peace :P

Not sure why you think I give even half a dann that you're such a weenie that you need to block opinions that are "unsafe". It certainly doesn't make you look like an even remotely well-adjusted human being (don't feel bad, most Looney Lefties aren't). Hope you find the safe space you're looking for inside your echo

Well that's demonstrably untrue. So far, the majority of what trump has done has been undoing the major damage his predecessor did to the country. Also, nominating a constitutionalist like Gorsuch to SCOTUS, as opposed to whatever radical Hillary (or worse, Bernie) would have picked, alone probably bought this country

Why are you still typing? You've said the exact same thing 3 times in a row now.

Interesting that you're trying to tell me how I feel. You're full of shit of course, but that goes without saying.

Well, (unlike Trump) Bernie and his wife actually ARE currently under investigation right now for the shady shit they did to embezzle money from the college she ran into the ground. Yeah you could say "innocent until proven guilty" but it's not like you lot afford that same consideration to Trump, and Bernie is

Yes I get it you have radically leftist political views, but just because you say something doesn't make it so. You toss around opinions and facts, so can I- Hillary was corrupt incompetent, and belongs behind bars for the rest of her (lets face it, short… Shes on deaths door) life.

You must not like anything then. Inapropriate political remarks in escapist fiction don't make me angry. I know its the only side where your lot actually win, and I feel kind of bad for you actually.

I didn't say he was the "best option" get some reading comprehension. I said he waa the best option of the three most likely choices, and he was worlds above Crooked Hillary, and Crazy Bernie. In a perfect world, Ted Cruz or Rand Paul would be president right now, but alas. Still, we dodged two radically left bullets.

Pretty sure Nick Briggs has written for a fairly large number of Doctors as well. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, War, 9 (which he also played),and 10, all have their own Big Finish series, with 11 and 12 are upcoming(and 1 and 2 have also shown up in smaller releases, to say nothing of unbound doctors).. I dont particularly feel

I'm sure there was a point in there somewhere, you just don't appear to be very good at expressing anything more complex than "Left wing good, right wing baaad" lol. I pity you.

Well, we did pick the best of the three most likely options.. Hillary is a mentally unstable lying lunatic, her health is failing, and she is seemingly incompetent, not even able to properly run or even cover up an illegal private server. Also, if she were anyone else, she would be in prison right now for her crimes,

Love Trumps hate, no? Guess not as you are clearly a hateful bastard.

You're delusional though, literally no part of your attacks against me, or my beliefs have any basis in fact. Hell, I bet you couldn't even *name* my beliefs (Hint- I'm not a republican).

Fair point. Though to be fair, it was originally stated that Dumbledore is gay, as if it were a fact- And he is in fact a fictional character.

And I'm sorry you believe that.

Lol, even I didn't think you were that slow. Sorry.