I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, but you seem a tad slow and I don't want to trigger you so Ill play along.
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, but you seem a tad slow and I don't want to trigger you so Ill play along.
You are mistaken my friend.
Repeat the same words over and over again. Stay inside echo chamber. Repeat.
Thankyou! I too am quite happy that we managed to pick the least bad option out of several (including the most corrupt women, no.. person, to ever seek the office.) By the way, congratulations on your country's impending release from the shackles of the EU.
Again, not a victim. Sorry.. I didn't realize you had a mental deficiency. I'll try to be nicer in the future, I really don't wish to be seen as someone who picks on those suffering from mental impairment… Again, sorry. Didn't mean to trigger you, here have a safe space :P.
I'm not the closed minded one. In fact, SJWs have some of the most closed minds I've ever seen. (Case in point, just look how quickly you lot pounce on anyone who dares to not toe your line, do you *really* think your side is open to ANY new ideas that don't involve diving deeper into the rabbit hole social…
It's like my creative writing teacher once told me, you don't get credit for what you don't write. It isn't in the book, at all, it's literally just something she decided after the fact to placate her rabid social justard fanbase, and pat herself on the back for being "progressive".
You have me mistaken with your side. I.. literally didn't do either of those things. I can understand how "triggering" it may seem to a weak-minded individual such as yourself for someone with a differing opinion to express it…
Yes, yes that fantastic left wing "tolerance" I hear so much about. Go suck an egg.
Good stuff? What are you prattling on about?
I don't think I even have to dignify this asinine comment with a response.
Gee, why do you think that is? Could it be that maybe I'm *not* a "reactionary"? Or even a republican for that matter… By all means though, feel free to continue painting with your broad brush. (Though I think you missed a spot or seven)
Don't particularly care is more like it. Even being moderately ambivalent about Trump (he was significantly better than Hillary, and radically better than Bernie, still wish one of the "sane" republicans had won the primary) I find it particularly tacky when a contemporary science fiction show I watch feels the need…
Hey everyone, pay attention! Another (presumably) *non* American wants to intentionally misrepresent what someone with a diferring opinion says, strawmanning them, while pretending to be the reasonable one… Despite being nothing of the sort!
Not gonna happen
It was stupid. But I am glad McGann got a regeneration scene.
Totally agree with that sentiment. If it couldn't be Eccleston (and there are reasons against Eccleston, namely that he *seems* to be newly regenerated in "Rose", though recent Big Finish plays have confirmed that he isn't) It damn sure should have been McGann.
True that, River Song was probably the worst thing that Moffat did to the show as a whole (but not the worst thing that New Who did, that would be Rose Tyler :P)
The 5th doctor is my least favorite (unsurprisingly, the 10th, who apparently idolizes his father in law is my second least favorite). Incidentally, I would love to see more McGann, he's easily in my top 3 favorite doctors… McCoy really doesn't have the acting chops anymore though… Really the only old school doctor…
Why would he? Dumbledore isn't even gay (not that there would be anything wrong with him being gay). Things an author says years after the fact, trying to pander to a crowd, don't mean a damn if they don't actually make an appearance in the book.