
Sorry finish KH2 final mix on critical, outside of dying in one or two shoot at the beginning of the game it doesn’t really change anything.

Like other said, your not missing out on that much but it also depend on what you tried. 1, 2 and BBS are the only one really worth playing so if you only trued other one you might want to give those a try.

The problem with the combat has nothing to do with hard or anything, it’s that absolutely everything pale compare to shield and button smash, yes you can play it differently but your just gimping yourself. Played on hardest difficulty setting (ended dropping it cause damage sponge enemy are boring). The problem is you

And I wish they didn’t, then maybe we wouldn’t have gotten the train wreck that was was 2.

80% =/= 100%, most quest were just as repetitive as minuteman settlement quest which are essentially the FO4 equivalent of point of interest, and beside FO4 fault does not excuse W3 fault.

Exactly, I love studio ghibli and level 5, but not because of who they are but because of the high quality of what they put out. Ni no kuni wasn’t up to standard and I know we can get much better.

I never in anyway implied that people were stupid for liking the game. I said the game insulted people intelligence by telling them exactly what spell to use the entire way. If I wanted to insult people I would have said something along the line of “game for stupid people that enjoy being told what to do” which is not

Well they could have, for starter, modified the dialogue so Drippy wasn’t telling you exactly what spell to use, like I mentioned in my initial comment.

Well the article (the kotaku one) has been modified from the time when I posted my comment, although its still has no information about wether or not this is exclusively a console game.

Now playing

I’m unaware of any word that means “pick the right spell from the list”, if there is one please enlighten me on it. Would you be able to re phrase the sentence in a way that would make sense in your eyes?

It was a stupid comment in response to a stupid comment, I’ll give you that. I suppose the correct things to do was to ignore the drug use comment.

They did, in some way, but in the worse possible way, which is where my comment came from. In the DS version when a puzzle would happen you’d need to draw the correct rune on the bottom screen. In that case it would make sense that drippy tell you what spell to use since you’d need to look it up and correctly draw it.

How does it not make sense?

The first game was an adaptation of a DS game, so there is hope that the second one could be decent if its just a console game.

Hum, no...? that’s why I’m asking.

Do you know what “re-skin” mean? Also “first and foremost” and “adapting”?

1) Never said it was bad, I see that just like my W3 comment where everyone though I was somehow saying Fo4 should have been GOTY without actually mentioning FO4, reading is hard.

Sorry I wouldn’t know, knowledge is the only drug I use.

So is it a console game first and foremost or a re-skin of a portable game that insult your intelligence because adapting puzzle meant to be drawning challenge into “pick the right spell from the list” challenge doesn’t really work? Yes drippy, I wonder how exactly I’ll open that lock door 2 min after receiving the