They followed a formula, but not the standard “origin/montage/disposable villain” formula of, say, GOTG, Thor, Dr. Strange, Ant-Man, etc.
They followed a formula, but not the standard “origin/montage/disposable villain” formula of, say, GOTG, Thor, Dr. Strange, Ant-Man, etc.
You missed the very first one that came to my mind - “In Broad Daylight” (1991), with Brian Dennehy and Cloris Leachman. It was a terrible TV movie based on the fascinating and profoundly fucked up story of Skidmore, MO.
This 100%, and the idea of different species cooperating has been at the forefront of the series since the first 10 minutes of the damn pilot. And not to pull out that card, but I feel like a lot of old school Trek fans (including Zack) are still kind of thrown off by the fact that this is one serialized story - this…
This article completely misconstrues Digital Spy’s reporting in a dangerous way. She demanded that up front — we have no reason to believe that there was pushback, and even less reason to think there was an altercation. Please edit/retract this, it’s both lazy and inaccurate. The BBC wouldn’t be out of line to call…
In Tyne and Weare, thine Doctors who weare
There is nothing in this article or the linked article that says she had to fight. The linked article says “she made sure that she got paid the same as her Doctor Who predecessor Peter Capaldi” and clearly she did. Maybe she had to negotiate or maybe she just opened with “whatever you paid him, I want the same” and…
Assaulting a built up area while trying to identify and neutralize only belligerent combatants requires intricate planning and execution. If you aren’t willing to take the time required for this you might as will use artillery to reduce the buildings and at least minimize friendly casualties. It’s horrible math, but…
So she sent in OPRAH Team Six?
Because she couldn’t say no or stop — or just leave? So she gave nonverbal cues? So get limp and think of England? And they had mutual oral sex before the second blowjob - and they were naked the whole time. My point? Stand up for yourself. This isn’t a secretary being chased around the office in 1950.
Now having finished reading the article, I will say that even though I have always and still think Mario Batali is a supercilious jerk, as sexual harassment apologies go this one is pretty well done. No victim blaming. No “that’s not indicative of who I am as a person.” No multiple mentions of how much he is admired.…
The thing is, he has been called out for years. AND he has worked to clean himself up and make amends for what he did, quietly and without much fanfare.
It is not minimizing his racist or misogynistic comments to point out that he paid dearly for those actions, which have zero to do with the story in the first place.…
You know who’d be a perfect counter balance to Rick’s bullshit? Grant Morrison’s Superman or Flex Mentallo.
Don’t know why I’m bothering and I can’t be bothered to look it up, but Synder has generated more profit. It’s not sexism, it’s business.
We need a spoiler space to tell us whether or not Borg assimilated McEnroe.
I love how they actually accomplish capturing Cali´s culture and overall feel of that time. I am from Cali and grew up during the Rodriguez’s reign in the Valle, and man it’s actually endearing to hear the music, see my city and hearing those accents again. And I wasn’t a fan of the first few seasons, but this time…
Feminists: “We’re tired of being objectified. We want characters who are layered and complex and who don’t have to dress like strippers and do all of our action scenes in high heels and miniskirts.”
You could have at least fixed the inaccuracies when you re-posted this. I’m inclined to agree that Buffy was never as unproblematically feminist as people sometimes hold it up to be—the dude pretty clearly has an obsession with ass-kicking waifs that borders on the sexual. But using stuff like “the first slayer is a…
Um… where might this "cock carousel" be? Asking for a fr— …. me. Asking for me.
I've been a fan of Who for 40 ish years and in that time, depending on who you ask, every showrunner/EP/head-writer has been ruining the show. The one thing the whole fandom can agree on is that the whole fandom never agrees on anything. And there's probably some that disagree with that too ;).