
Perlnutter seems like a myopic psycho and that type of executive is sadly present in way more fields than just entertainment. Not to say that creatives are always right or that every MCU project should be able to spend $1 billion dollars to build a rocket ship and film b-roll on the moon, but Perlnutter seems like the


Maybe you need to take a break from reviewing Bill Lawrence shows, Manuel.

“This war is one I have to fight. Alone. For budgetary reasons”.

I saw The Birds a little too young, and Jessica Tandy silently finding the neighbor with his eyes pecked out really haunted me for a while.

The real driver of success has been Keanu’s performance as Wick, so I don’t know how things hold together without him. We’ll certainly find out.

It’s all advertising shit, designed to coast on the “culture war” for more eyeballs/notoriety, and attract eyeballs to works that have fallen out of contemporary popularity (as in the actual books themselves).

I enjoyed The Batman overall, but holy Christ on a pogo stick did The Batman need some disciplined editing, on both a storytelling and time-length level. It’s like they’ve told a whole movie to the point of wrapping it up only for them to suddenly realise “Hang on, fuck, we’ve totally forgotten to resolve the plot

Oh man, that’s one of my favorite DVD commentary riffs of all time. I love how halfway through GDT gets distracted from his hatred of horses and starts ranting, apropos of nothing, about how he also hates cows.

Let’s not get crazy here. Those batches of horse meat stew are modest at best. 

Goddamn oliphaunts.

It’s more cost-efficient to use real horses and repurpose any dead ones to make enormous batches of horse meat stew for the production crew.

Even if you’re a “needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few” utilitarian, you don’t look at the mad scientists and think “yep, these guys are definitely going to cure the world.”’

My 1st thought were “why are you telling the guy who was just able to singlehandedly get her across the country, thus has been in and can get out of some serious shit, the details to your “Well it will kill her, but we have this working theory on what is going on with her that might be right, might not, but hey we’ll

Yeah, I think this is pretty correct. Both Marlene and Joel are wrong in how they act here, and they’re both right. But it’s the lies that tell...

I know I joke a lot about how Shrinking keeps finding ever more outrageous reasons to arbitrarily bring its disparate characters together. But even I couldn’t have anticipated “art opening” as an excuse to rope those three together.

I dunno. As an activist commie myself, I thought it was well done how they subverted the most obvious “both-siding” trope by making the protest a “false flag”. I thought they kept the nazis on just the right side of buffoons whilst also not making the statement that “Some people suck; but they’re still people.” ring

Yeah, but don’t you think that by the end of the movie, the parents are going to see the error of their ways, the kid will find an age appropriate girlfriend, and Jennifer will save her house, and probably find an age appropriate boyfriend (maybe rich too)?

lol STFU you dweeb. Switch the genders. Yes, because we’ve never seen a movie where an older man seduces a younger woman. Unheard of in the history of cinema and in real life. Truly a concept that could only exist in our imaginations.

So, it’s an even creepier Failure to Launch? Honestly, if it really leans into that, they could really have something here. And it would be amazing if the big third act twist is the kid is asexual and/or autistic, and his parents are just horrible bigots trying to screw him straight.