
I fucking hate the cult of Diana. She probably wasn’t a bad person and the whole thing hugging people with AIDs was a genuinely important moment. But Jesus Christ when she died the reaction felt like closer to 9/11 for some people and the fact she’s still popular despite being dead for 25 plus years when plenty more

I don’t really get it either. I feel for anyone who is in pain, but I just don’t buy 98% of her supposed struggles. Oh she couldn’t divorce sooner because of what society would think? Who cares what they think, truly? She still would have been massively wealthy and well-regarded

Debicki I think is great as Diana (I’ll cop to being biased, as Debicki is one of my favorite actors).

I think that’s what draws us to them, they sort of represent some of our worst instincts. In addition to Seinfeld I’m a big fan of Curb, and I often think I would pretty much be Larry David (the character) if I lacked self-restraint.

I don’t know, they could certainly be malicious. George poisoned Rick Barr with Elaine’s help, and Kramer helped Jerry destroy a washing machine in a laundromat. Elaine also kidnapped a dog with Kramer’s help. Those are just a few examples I thought of off the top of my head. 

She might have also thought that the rat poison wouldn’t be fatal, but would just make him ill enough to not be able to go on, after which he could be let go with the easy excuse of health reasons and re-cast. In that case she’d have the benefit of being right - the poison wasn’t fatal and did just make him ill enough

I started cheering when they finally cut to Ben and the cookie, we were right!

So the actress meets this business manager 50+ years after making the movie. He introduces her to a therapist who convinces her she’s been traumatized (sounds a lot like the ones who convinced their kids their parents molested them), hires her a lawyer (who fabricates quotes from his client), tries to find connections

Somewhere out there, some Gen Zers have already started the next version of Burning Man and none of us will be hip enough to know it exists until it’s already jumped the shark.

he was really bizarrely scared of what was going to happen

I think what sours it for me is that even if you aren’t a rich tech bro, affording a ticket, travel, and supplies is still prohibitive and requires massive privilege. And then all my friends who can afford to go come back and tell me how refreshing it is that people are so generous and spontaneous and giving. And the

i went once about 10?12? years ago. it was cool. the climate issue of that year were dreadful wildfires, which actually provided some necessary protection from the sun and heat.

“Pershing County Sheriff Jerry Allen told The San Francisco Chronicle, “As usually happens in what burners refer to as the ‘default world’ people allow their emotions to override their reasonableness and they are lashing out at each other as they leave the playa and attempt to make it to their next destination. This

Don’t hate the Playa, hate the game.

I mean I sympathize with your friend and all, but “I’ve been SHADOWBANNED because the girls the app is showing me aren’t HOT ENOUGH” is like... very gross

I miss the old OKC, where you could just filter down to what you’re looking for, and browse, had long form q+a, and was very poly friendly. (it’s now basically an even worse tinder).

Someone lampooning the fact that female killers is “so done” makes me think the list of suspects narrows to Ben’s brother, the producers, or maybe Bobo.

I don’t think it’s ever been implied that he was incompetent, just unlucky, with his infamous Splash! musical being his universe’s version of Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark. People still respect Julie Taymor despite that.

This seems like a weird downplaying of what’s happening in Florida where the First Amendment is being cheerfully demolished. DeSantis has done a lot more successful work destroying his state than Trump ever did to your country in his four years of office.

“we swifties”

Tell me you’re spending way too much time thinking about this without telling me you’re spending way too much time thinking about this.