
Funny, I don't normally think of Buddhists believing in eternal damnation. Is this a hell you automatically end up in if you're not a Buddhist?

I switch a lot between trackpad and keyboard. That number pad adds three or so inches to what should be a much shorter trip. Smaller keyboards just feel more natural. I guess I could learn to operate one of those Frogpad things, but I fear that would take many years of night classes.



Desktop keyboard. I've yet to find a backlit desktop keyboard without a number pad.

Yeah, the MBPs do. I meant to say a desktop keyboard.

Backlit keyboard without a number pad, please. Hell, I'd buy a PC version of that if I could find anyone in the world making one.

This joke is the only reason "booth babe" exists as a profession. The exact same joke — whether it relates to a computer, a car, or a jar of mayonnaise at some kind of condiment trade show — has been told no fewer than 900 brazillion times by tired, horny, bored, hungover businessmen schlepping from booth to booth in

When the lights go off at RIM because the bills aren't being paid, at least they'll still be able to run their business in the dark. The news feed on the right of my screen sez it's true.

'Salright. I'll just "accidentally" rub my junk in their faces a little harder and longer when I get up to use the restroom. Honestly, though, they should pay much more than $10 for the privilege.

[Retracted] OK, I REALLY didn't mean for that to be a reply to your comment on the babies. Disregard. Disregard long and hard.

1) Just outside the gate, quickly consume half a bottle of Old Crow.

They NEVER turn brown? Even after I eat them, and digest them, and ... OK, this I gotta see.

Oh, it's a hoodie. You can't see the back in the photo, but that suit has a hood.

Sun AND stars? This pleases me.

"... it's still screwing over the customers who don't abuse their unlimited plans, but still want what they originally signed up for ..."

It's bullshit if they change the terms of the contract while the contract is still valid. But if this is dependent on an upgrade (and, I presume, a NEW contract), then I'd say the carrier's free to offer whichever terms it wants. If a grandfathered no-limit option is no longer on the table, consider another carrier.

Very helpful! Now instead of cluelessly acting like myself when I want to hit it off with someone, all I have to do is select a candidate, go through her trash on a daily basis until I have enough clues to nail down the exact schedule of her menstrual cycle, and adjust my demeanor accordingly.

You tried to get the server to accept a photo on your phone as a valid form of ID? How much pre-partying had you been doing?