
Oh, the crumbs you will see ...

This is the first time I've heard the word "Pinterest" said out loud by anyone other than my wife. So is it really pronounced "PIN-teh-rest" rather than "PIN-trest? Or was that guy's accent botching it?

If autonomous cars ever go on sale to the general public, I think riding in one will feel a lot like riding in a car with a newly licensed teen behind the wheel. It's not what I consider relaxing. In fact, it's way more stressful than actually driving. Maybe we'll all get used to it eventually.

Robocop: 1922.

Looks great, but I'd limit it to dragging with two fingers only. Sometimes when I know I just touched down on the wrong letter, I'll drag the finger over to the correct letter before I let go. Looks like that would be interpreted as moving the cursor instead.

He just fell asleep in the sun with his sunglasses on. That pasty white is his natural skin tone. The rest of his face — that's what he calls tan.

Couldn't find a price on the site. When I can't find a price on something that looks expensive, I probably don't want to know.

That dandelion wallpaper they're using on S III press images is unfortunate. Makes it look like the phone's been shot.

Back: The stripe makes it look like it was cobbled together from mismatching parts. Like when you see an old white car with a brown door that was obviously picked up at a junkyard for a cheap repair job.

Alas? Atlas? Atlantis? All ass? Alsace? Albatros? Apple sause? Alice? Alcatraz? Everlast? Wha?

So nice that the guy used the term "mentally challenged" rather than some ugly and derogatory term for women with learning disabilities. He must be a real prince.

But in the hypothetical reversal Tyson talks about, what if a "humanities type" doesn't mention anything about grammar? Maybe he starts quoting from a piece of literature with which most "humanities types" would be instantly familiar. It's very possible one of the "science geeks" would say something like, "Well, I

When people say things like "I can't do math," or "I'm not very good with computers," are you sure they're bragging about it? I usually get the impression they're trying at some self-deprecating humor. It doesn't always have the desired effect, but I seldom interpret it as being "proud."

Admiral McRaven, huh? Was he formerly employed as a Level 8 boss in a video game?

What the hell could anyone possibly gain by doing this? Is there some powerful pro-women-beating lobby or special interest group I don't know about?

Hey, whoever buys this, do us all a favor and maybe post a photo taken using this lens. Not even the linked-to site did us the honor here. Thanks!


Sadly, I don't think the money gets you the building, or the lease, or the inventory of precious, precious booze. It only buys you the right to sell liquor at that location. And I can't get fucked up by drinking, snorting, smoking, injecting or suppositing a right. Lord knows I've tried. Guess I'm going to have to

Sweating into leather seats. Yay.

Owls: The Phil Spectors of the Forest.