
Given Path's history as a creep, I'm going to assume this app somehow also lets its executives smell my sweaty undies without my permission.

How many "suspicious activity ... in my rectum!" posts will it take before this gets shut down?

But if they don't clap, they don't get invited back — or worse. Keep in mind, snipers are posted at these events, and most of those journos do want to see their families again.

It's a perfectly reasonable thing to say in a review. My Ed Hardy "Hardy Edge" tablet has tattoo needles that pop out of the sides every time you hit a button that's right next to the volume switch. That product DOES NOT feel good in the hand, and I wish the critic whose review I read prior to buying one had felt free

If someone's yammering into a phone so loudly that it's genuinely bothering most of the people around them, they probably have no shame.

This thread is just asking to be Godwined. Can someone a little less inhibited than me on this fine Friday morning please do the deed?

Hello, TP? Those Hot Pockets have to go somewhere ...

What happens when so many heavy users change plans that the top 5 percent extends down to 2.5 GB? 2 GB? Am I gonna get throttled for a single tweet one day in 2019?

Reding's response was in regard to how Google COULD be breaking EU laws, not how it IS breaking them. So this is just more wishy-washiness, same as yesterday, same as last month. "We're worried" ... "We're concerned" ... "Google MIGHT be breaking the law" ... So much hand-wringing, so little action. If you're so sure

I kept waiting for the newspaper headline ... but it never came ...

Yeah, "blow up" is old. "Epic" is getting stale too. We need something new. How about "prolapse?" "Bloat?" "Go Kilmer?"

But they're so damn uncomfortable. Is discomfort something I can rebel against? Is that still up for grabs?

But if this guy was the president of the company that made the body armor ... well, that's what I'd call standing by your product. "Eating your own dog food," as the MBAs used to say.

But don't Coors Light bottles have twist tops?

Please please please tell me Santorum used his real email when he signed up for this site ...

Normally I'd think this is crap, but since I had a whole cereal bowl full of ecstasy for breakfast this morning, I'm kind of digging it.

The last time someone pushed something brown up to my face and told me it was a candy bar was in college. And it MOST CERTAINLY WAS NOT a candy bar. So forgive me if I don't eat your candy. I've been burned before.

I'd like to register my "WTF?" as well. Haven't they been offering this ever since they split DVDs and streaming?

Hey, you call it Mountain Lion's Gatekeeper, I call it a cougar pimp. Potato, potahto.

I have no children, but I might soon, so I must know: Is it at all possible to get young kids to like "good" music (good = whatever the parent is into)? Or do all kids, everywhere, demand this insipid audio sewage that is modern children's music, regardless of the tastes of the household in which they grow up?