
Comment redacted due to image-related technical difficulty. It wasn't much to begin with.

So they're going to ditch physical keypads? The only BB users I know only use BBs because they prefer having a keypad.

This was just Round 1: War and Conflict. Next week is Round 2: Hustler Centerfolds.

I'm promoting all these comments because never before have I learned so much about underwater vomit in one sitting.

How "less than lethal" is it to make a scuba diver spontaneously puke?

I'd rather have a Monday b-day for life than have my birthday eliminated completely. Were you born on July 31? Sorry, according to the new calendar, you don't exist!

I feel as though this was a missed opportunity. I like a good old "this product is absolute crap!" article as much as the next guy, but there's no carnage here. Why are they bad? Do they sound awful? I can see that they look awful, but where's the colorful description of how awful they look? Something about a bird on

Diamond plate all the way!

"I know some influential people, like the guy who runs the door at the convention center."

I'm trying to come to terms with exactly why this image revolts me. And I think it's basically because I'd be afraid of accidentally squishing one and having to deal with a volume of bug guts roughly the size of a goddam banana, in the case of that green mofo in the first image.

So the Super Friends went corporate, huh? I guess it was only a matter of time.

They've promised email/BBM integration will arrive for PlayBook in February. I guess we'll know on March 1 whether to start digging a hole.

Pshaw. Wake me up when they have a graphics card that will support 2,073,600 monitors. I'd like to assign each monitor to be a single pixel so I can see my display from a distance of nine miles.

I'll reserve my opinion on whether I think it's cool or not for when I actually see one. But for now, I'm inclined to agree that higher-res screens aren't my personal top priority. At the very least, they probably won't drive me to kick myself in the face repeated for getting an MBP a couple of months ago.

Next week on "Cheaters" ...

What the hell's so wrong with drinking a martini out of a coffee cup? Good enough for dear grand-dad, good enough for me.

It doesn't look like it has much in the way of insulation. Climate-wise, that might be OK for Portugal, though.

I think I might be concerned about developing a dependency.

Um, aren't showers, and mirrors, and mirrors inside the showers ALSO part of the daily life of a college cheerleader? Whoever edited this video: You've done us all a grave misservice.

Incorrect. The slammer creates a wave of psychic energy that travels over the line and hits the slammee's ear with the power of a thousand mind bullets. Typical effects include cramps, bloating, and a crippling yet unnamable sense of ennui.