Lol “owned” by the person who
A) is commenting in the same bullshit thread as myself
Lol “owned” by the person who
A) is commenting in the same bullshit thread as myself
That should be Jezebel’s tagline.
You aren’t funny not because you are a woman, but because you lack the cleverness to think of an original, witty response.
Probably all the methane you’ve been inhaling from your flatulent existence.
FWIW, you can’t read because you are an idiot, not because you are a woman.
what? no i am being serious
You really aren’t funny.
Unwarranted assumption fallacy, try again.
I wouldn’t try to hard. To 90 percent of the planet this is common sense. This is the blog that celebrates the abuse of ones spouse if they are male :
Are we being fucking serious right now? The “man” in No Man’s Sky is there because that’s how we’ve always referred to the entire human race. “MANkind.” “huMAN.” Hell, even “woMAN.” “Man” in the name for something doesn’t always mean a “woMAN” is being left out. For fuck’s sake...come down off the cross, use the wood…