Mehran Moghtadai

I have a feeling that when Gizmodo saw how much attention the Lumia 900 review at the verge got, they thought they could get some of that controversial action here too. Ad hits for the win!

I personally just don't like vodka to begin with, I don't really get the point. But I have found that dropping a couple of vanilla pods in the bottle and leaving it for a month gives it an awesome flavour.

This, this and more this... It seems to me that the better the vodka is the more it tastes like pure ethanol.

That's not what the author meant. He was saying that if you don't shave that often you can share your refills with other people, refills being new and unused.

I would say probability in general is one of the hardest concepts in mathematics, some topics in analysis take the cake though. (interestingly enough a lot of analysis is required in more advanced probability topics) Anyway don't worry too much it'll all settle in eventually.

Don't be dissin probability, it's my livelihood... Also Bayes is awesome, embrace it!

Check out investopedia!


Can't you just set the power button on the actual computer to shut down the computer anyway?

Go in the Settings menu in the Charms and from there you can add an account.

I have one too and I really do love it. I also have a wp7 but i always carry my zune with me to school. The reason why it didn't do well was because microsoft didn't market it right. The price was almost as much as the iPod touch which as a music/video player is not great but has the leverage of apps, so i can see why

The middle east was in renaissance while europe was in the dark ages. Just saying...

Thank you!

If you choose 30 stocks completely randomly, on average, you will do just as well as the average mutual fund.

Yes and he realizes the mistake he has made. However, calling him a "duffous" is an idiotic statement. The black-scholes formula is feat of brilliant mathematic prowess.

That's a load of crap, the BS formula was at the heart of the the LTCM fiasco. After that everyone got wise and understood that it's a tool and cannot be the sole way of pricing and hedging. The 2007 fiasco had as much to do with the BS formula as it did with the fundamental theorem of calculus.

The Canadian Institute of Actuaries... Pretty much the most annoyingly useless actuarial institute, at least the SOA has some benefits.

I think what's going to happen is that a lot of applications will need to be recompiled for ARM. And basically when you are downloading an application you'll have the option of x86,x64 and ARM. It's not very complicated to recompile something in ARM as long as the libraries are available.

This, this and more this.

My main point was actually the second one, which is something that's not addressable. And my first concern isn't just the fact that you have to shrink all those micro prisms, but you also have to boost the density of the sensors. I'm not sure exactly how much but you loose a considerable amount of pixels. (e.g. a 16mp