Mehran Moghtadai

If a windows computer that has the skydrive application installed is on and signed in, you can access all files from that computer from the skydrive website.

You would have to take my Zune HD out of my cold dead hands

RTM is even faster from my experience

Win+D is actually show desktop, in windows 8 show desktop and minimize all is pretty much the same but in Windows 8 it can also switch you from metro environment to desktop

Well lucky you! There is a folder up button in File Explorer in Windows 8.

You may be a safe driver but you encounter hundreds of other drivers daily and they may not be so safe, which means in the end you're not really that safe either.

I'll admit... I'm not very patient. But I'm not stupid either, I'll be installing this leaked version in a virtual machine just to feed my curiosity.

Because you want it now... not in 3 months

Not if it follows the Intel price guidelines.

his real email is I believe. Besides no one at microsoft really cares because any email from microsoft with be from an email.

I recently made the move from Gmail to a live account simply because it made more sense with the services I used. Now I will probably slowly switch to one of my outlook aliases.

Phew... I got all combinations of my name, including just my first name! To be fair... Not exactly the most common name but still!

I'm not an Apple fan by any measure but I do enjoy the way Apple does certain things. And that method is generally pretty unique, these commercials while they would be ok for everyone else... they are not ok for Apple because of the fact that they would be ok for everyone else.

My favourite font is still courier new.

Maybe it's just me but I feel the kerning is a little off with this font. Also some parts of it remind me of the ubuntu font.

Ok so, I'm not really an Apple fan. But I must say, I kinda like this. It's a very subtle variation but as long as it keeps this matt look instead of the current shiny glass back I'm down.

Umm... What's wrong with things that are filmed for the BBC? Last I checked the BBC had some shows with tremendous production value that the general network channels in america can only dream of.

It's only a tragedy for people that decide to make up their mind before actually using it for a decent amount of time.

That's the idea I guess, except the Nexus is available from just as many channels as the other phones. The other difference here is that Android is a free OS, W8 is not so Google making a Nexus phone is more like them just playing at the same game as the other manufacturers. Where as with the Surface MS has somewhat

Vista's issue was two fold, it introduced a whole new driver architecture which the industry didn't adopt very quickly and it also introduced some hardware acceleration stuff with aero which the industry wasn't ready for either (Intel integrated graphics were balls).