Mehran Moghtadai

Apple doesn't have majority... But either way MS wont be getting into trouble because they wont be selling to much of these, the Surface is just a threat. They will keep the prices relatively high and only sell it through their own pipeline which means that it is not accessible to as many people as other brands.

Of course, another solution would be bellows but that has its set of issues too

An NSFW tag is needed for this one I think...

Well... here's my entry, not a very challenging one as these things don't move...

Or you can reverse mount a lot of lenses too.

My first thought... It's an adapter, no one buys it because of it's design or anything else but the fact that it just does the one little thing it's supposed to.

Personally, I always have R open and that's my calculator. But more realistically, the lack of keyboard input makes this kind of useless. Also launching calc.exe is still much faster: windows key-> type cal-> press enter

Well to be fair, that might work with photos, but it's not really doable with negatives.

I had never heard of this... I always use the center focus point and recompose, it has served me well.

For me it really depends, if I am using an AF lens then I'll most likely use AF because to be honest the Manual focusing rings on those lenses are not the greatest (Yes even the L lenses don't have amazing focusing rings), and because of that I trust AF a lot more. When they design AF lenses they design them so that

That confused me... First because it makes no sense... Second because I saw Ontario, CA and thought Ontario Canada... then saw united states and was like durr.

Wait what? The train derailed but it still somehow made it to Washington?

I can almost guarantee there will be a an adapter

I probably have no idea wtf I'm talking about but isn't this sort of thing where CUDA becomes really efficient. For my own work (Actuarial/Financial) when it comes to simulations CUDA cores offer a leap of performance.

I wouldn't expect them to launch with more than a couple of EF-M lenses. But they will surely have adapters for EF and EF-S lenses too.

Crossing fingers for APS-C. That would be fantastic!

There will for sure be an adaptor, it would be idiotic for Canon not to capitalize on their massive range of lenses.

This is not really a new thing... well the direct iphone thing is new. From experience I can say the results are quite horrible.

What 5 minute task takes 15 minutes with the new start screen exactly, my experience has been the complete opposite. I am way more efficient with the new start screen, I just had to change a lot of my habits.

There is usually a couple of weeks delay between RTM and MSDN/TechNet availability.