“Up against the....I mean - Make them build a wall!”
“Up against the....I mean - Make them build a wall!”
Fuck, I used to know people who were exactly like that!
Jose Mourinho masterclass in coming from 2 goals behind to beat your rivals and then losing to the last place team on purpose thereby diminishing the celebration of a league title because everyone expected you to beat West Brom including Pep Guardiola who is probably still on the back nine of a golf course somewhere…
Ah, the ol’ you-can’t-sue-me-because-I’m-guilty ploy. Brilliant!
This is a good analysis, and it helps to remember that trump is the republican ID made manifest. Republicans are authoritarians to the core, so they want an alpha male “strongman” (i.e. a bully) to not only run things, but tell them what’s true and what’s false.
The ascension of the mediocre.
Honestly, the mid-term is about enthusiasm and turnout. We don’t need them to vote Democratic, we really just need them to stay home. And it’s increasingly clear that that’s what many of them are planning to do.
If the pee tape goes public then he can no longer be blackmailed with the threat of making it public. He should welcome the release.
Anyone else with Trumpers in the orbit of their personal lives noticing some kind of corner has been turned?
I have to interact with a reasonable number of them on a daily basis because of work; because about half-ish of the office is over-50 white people in the southeast, they feel pretty free to discuss their…
I’m thinking these are less attorney-client conversations, and more in the realm of Walter White - Saul Goodman conversations.
No wonder Mueller’s team is suddenly not interested in interviewing Trump.
If you ask the FBI if they’re going to raid your home at night by surprise they have to tell you
May not have been the brightest idea to record his conversations but, in fairness to Cohen, he did put an explicit “Do Not Listen To If You’re From The FBI” warning label on all the recordings that related to collusion with the Russian government.
A true Patriot has their weapon trained on the stall door the whole time. You never know when a transgendered person might walk in the wrong bathroom and complete their ungodly ablutions.
“Rudy, I’m totally interested in getting together with you and making sweet love until the cows come home! As luck has it, I even have a residence in NYC that we can use because my husband is never there since he got his new job in November 2016.”
That cat is America.