This is a different guy than the dude who got embarrassed opening Al Capone’s empty vault on national TV?
This is a different guy than the dude who got embarrassed opening Al Capone’s empty vault on national TV?
it could well be one of the worst votes I’ve made
Apropos of nothing, this makes me look forward to Ken Burns’ next inevitable documentary series, “The Fuck You, I Got Mine Generation: Baby Boomers.”
But Cohen isn’t Doug, he’s Dolla Tree Doug... Dolla Tree Doug most definitely would have paid Mario the gym rat, doorman, who works the graveyard shift at Circus Circus with the hormone and meth habit, a couple of baby mommas, that he met in Vegas while picking out which prostitute he was going to murder, 10K and some…
Pardon the twitter thread, ‘tis a shitty way to convey info, but this is the reality we find ourselves with.
“Hey, the world is a rich tapestry, my friends.”
I’ve always kinda read the episodes that paint a more compassionate picture of Apu as a means of making up for their earlier portrayals. Lets not forget that some of the early Apu episodes include him trying to rip off customers and change dates on spoiled items. Its not until a few seasons in that they even explore…
Tax cuts reduce deficits. (Just give them some more time to work!)
They represent conservatism as magazine editors want to pretend it is. There needs to be some intelligent opposition, otherwise it becomes clear that the whole “both sides” thing is a myth and one party is clearly to blame. Where they get in trouble is when one of their suppose conservative thinkers does the whole…
It’s not just that it’s a choice, but also, it’s hard to claim victimization when you literally control the federal and majority of state governments, have the most popular cable news channel, and most billionaires, millionaires and otherwise well off people are republicans.
Which “conservatives” does McFartle actually represent? Her point of view doesn’t actually reflect modern conservatism or the republican party. Williamson, Shapiro, McFartle, they’re all part of a group that claims to represent a large fraction of the population, but in reality no one really thinks like they do. MAGA…
I mean, we already had Tom Tancredo come out in favor of legalization. He’s worse by literally all metrics, save “actual access to power.” If we let shitheads ruin the only thing that will make the climate collapse go down smooth, simply by their association, then we’re 3rd graders. And 3rd graders don’t get to smoke…
Hehe, electricity in 2019?! Someone’s an optimist!
my thinking on cannabis has evolved
Sure, slavery seems bad, but is it really? Who’s to say? We should hear both sides and “teach the controversy.”
Two years before Training Day, Denzel played the lead in “The Hurricane” and he was excellent but lost out to that Aussie in “The Gladiator.” He definitely should have won for that one. In short, he deserves more accolades for so many of his roles.
... to do their best to try to pervert the Bible to its own ends
A stranger recently told me I look like him, and I almost punched her (which would have probably only made things more uncanny ...).
Ironically enough, TJ Miller actually had a bomb is his bag.
All anomalies will be rectified and those that cannot be rectified will be reintegrated as bionutrients. Final product will be held to high tolerances and discrepancy will not be maintained.