
I think he got it for Training Day, because he deserved it for Philadelphia.

The people that populate the Party of Personal Accountability very rarely admit they’re wrong and take ownership of their shitty actions.

Same policy for the people who work for Trump, they must look like his daughter.

“Yes, we know that rich white people like us run everything, own everything, and that our party currently controls the whole government, but gosh-darnit! We’re the victims here!” —Fox News

You gonna have me playing Jadakiss Why

*sigh* Once again, freedom of speech does not relieve you of the repercussions for what you say. It also does not entitle you to a platform from which to speak.

I wish I lived in a reality where Fox news viewers would look at this and realize that losing advertisers because she said something stupid and insulting on air has nothing to do with the first amendment. But that is not this reality.

Won’t be long before her speech is entirely free

>No 1st amendment

For about 10 years I have been of the opinion that Robbins is peddling bullshit and platitudes and self-promotion. I heard him interviewed once and immediately wanted to pour alcohol in my ears to disinfect to stupid germs that got in there. He is right up there with the pinhead who wrote “The Secret” in the Modern

Why is it people who know nothing about history are always the first people to use it as a shield?

I would like to see this corrupt couple share a jail cell in the Progressive Prison of the Future.

As long as they make another public display of discussing classified information over dinner with the rest of the Mar-a-Lago guests, it doesn’t matter.

Whenever I see someone with one of those cartoon avatars I think “Huh, that’s what you think you look like?”

Oh, her name isn’t “Rebecca.” That’s surprising!

... summit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at Mar-a-Lago

I’m not surprised that a “self-help guru” would say ignorant shit like this. What I am surprised by is that Tony is selling out large venues as if this was the year 2001. How?

I give it a week or less before specific accusations come out against Hot Coals Lurch. He and his pals seem charming. His throat loogie voice should never be amplified, it is terrible. That is all.