
If they’re smart, the couple will say they always stand for the national anthem for three hours and will beat up anybody who tries to make them sit down during that time.

“That dude’s name is Tyler, and his buddy Bryce picked him up outside the stadium. Count it.”

The way he attacked an old man, pushed his girl to get away, and ran away like a coward, he’s definitely a Trump guy.

That dude’s name is Tyler, and his buddy Bryce picked him up outside the stadium. Count it.

Good plot, weird limerick structure. Kinda fucks with your head

I love that you don’t know what rage is and you think it creates rage. More it creates a pretty large segment of people rolling their eyes at how stupid it is

“Someone makin 10 million a year is in the same top tax bracket as someone making 300k a year.”

<15%. 15% is the maximum, but that's before taking breaks for losses, taking the regressive mortgage interest deduction on your largest McMansion, offshoring, etc., etc., etc.,...

“Who knew health care was so complicated?”

“I’d rather not a single one of my dollars go to the research of cow flatulence or whatever the government subsidies these days.”

while he’s been a dick in his follow-up response, nothing about that is mansplaining.

Wouldn’t it be more of a “Mansplaining” thing if this Stanley dude was saying how a woman’s vagina is like the temple at the start of Raiders and the woman was like “Noooooo, it’s more like a fun house being used for a smugglers hideout in an episode of Scooby Doo” and Stanley was like, “Hey, I have a degree in

Every job that I’ve gotten where there is a pay increase resulted in me doing less actual work than the last. I never worked as hard in my life as I did when I was making $6/hr.

It’s been a generation of work (two generations of actually) to convince those at the bottom that anything that makes wealthy people more wealthy is ‘freedom’ and anything ANYthing else is ‘socialist’ and we know Stalin was a socialist and he murdered and starved people so anything socialist must be really really bad.

Easily done. Simply raise the capital gains tax rates to count as income taxes instead.

I’m successfully well off. I own a home. I make enough that budgeting is easy. I also recognize that I live in a society, and that society helped me get where I am. Schools, roads, health care, law enforcement, unemployment insurance, etc. And since I belong to that society, I am comfortable paying into the system a

Because that’s not how it works, you fucking right-wing prick. No one feels “entitled” to anything but a livable income, which has shown to be beneficial to economies in the long run.
