Okay, Smithers.
Okay, Smithers.
why for you not have more stars?
Always someone making cheesy jokes... you’re really stretching it thin Dude
It was worth it for their pizza mind.
They got New Mexico to pay for it.
Probably quite a bit when you add in delivery.
I’ll give you this. It happens with every president. They have professional PR people for a reason. You know what the difference is? Trump needs this constant ego stroking otherwise he can’t function. There is no issue in America more important to Trump than the soothing of his raging need for praise. You can see the…
Bean farmer done what? Climbed onto a fucking tractor and sat in an air conditioned cab for 6 hours a day, burbling along listening to AM radio reminding them how great they are every 8 minutes? While a temporarily-convenient glut of illegals does all the actual hard work that “the hard-working American farmer” gets…
No, no. It got people talking about the actual issue he was protesting, for about 8 seconds. All this “respect the flag” bullshit is the result of thousands of amoral people making it their full-time job to steer the narrative away from what it really was about: to get someone, anyone, to think for a second about the…
I prefer cheaters that don’t get caught.
Did you really knead to go there?
Ask Samuel Jackson about Donnie’s golf game. 10' gimmes and the like
Didn’t Kim Jong Il shoot an 18 on 18 holes once? Our tyrant can’t even finish under par! Sad!
>> Also, they apparently keep stealing their rocks.
I wonder how much dough they had to raise to build the fence.
How about one half vs. one second half vs. the other?
Are you serious or just trying to be funny?