Well, what do you mean? Because the backlash was pretty strong against her in the mid to late 2000s, when she seemed to be coasting on shiny boyfriend revenge songs. I would know, because until her self titled album, I was part of that backlash.
Well, what do you mean? Because the backlash was pretty strong against her in the mid to late 2000s, when she seemed to be coasting on shiny boyfriend revenge songs. I would know, because until her self titled album, I was part of that backlash.
My family went out to Red Lobster the night before the worst flu I ever experienced, so whenever I even see the words "Red Lobster" I have the acidic taste of vomit in my mouth, which, coincidentally, tastes a lot like their cheddar biscuits
Don't look at me! I voted for Solange!
Maybe she'll arrive on stage in a miss-carriage!
A moment of silence for all the victims of the Franchise Wars.
Did you watch the show through a funhouse mirror?
This show better get cancelled. Complete squandering of the Demon's Heir
I think the notion of "the golden age of television" was, in part, brought upon when show creators realized how arbitrary the delineation of genres were, and that cold blooded dramas could be gut bustingly funny and raunchy comedies could break your heart.
boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo get off the staage
Veronica is easily the most compelling character, to the point where the show would probably have a lot more momentum if she were the protagonist. She's smart, insightful, has something to prove, and has a lot of potentially conflicting loyalties.
I'm just wondering if his eyebrows are pasties
I hope he's the Homecoming chaperone
What the hell kind of room were Kevin and Betty in during the pre credits announcement? Do rich white high schools have rec rooms for students???
I have to say, I would not have imagined Jughead Jones as a hardboiled mystery writer, but that's pretty much becoming the standby sentence for this show
TV has conditioned me to believe it is.
It pisses off a lot of the people who voted for him!
You joke, but that's literally how Family Video stays in business. They are Los Pollos Hermanos IRL.
Don't you dare utter Penny Dreadful in the same breath as this shit
This is a prequel. That's why everyone looks 9 years older. Because it takes place 9 years earlier.
Jessica Alba refuses to get naked on film. She doesn't need it, she's a gosh darn billionaire.