Mehdi Akbar

Somehow the murky quality of early HDV makes the original film look substantially better than the pristine 8k whatever the sequel was shot on.

Holy shit, we found the one guy who actually saw this movie

I give Gus van Sant a pass because he's a total airhead.

I kid, I really did like La La Land, but someone should probably tell Damien Chazelle what the average jazz musician looks like.

Is that the one about jazz with John Legend as a token?

I'm in the same boat. Everything else is a maybe at best

I blame The Rise of the Planet of the Jennifer Lawrence


Robert Needs DiNero

whaaaaaaaaa the fuck

I was going to tell you that you're thinking of Judge Dredd, until I realized there were 2 cheesy Stallone/Schneider action flicks from the 90s

I think they're veering in the opposite direction, making him the most devil may care version of himself yet.

I'd honestly say the best moment was Jasper deciding to go out and watch the sunset after finding out the world was ending, which was after his interrupted suicide attempt.

You can put me firmly in the defender camp for season 3. Maybe it was the one episode a day pace I took, maybe its because all the big deaths were spoiled for me, but it seemed like a natural extension on what was done in season 2.

Hi y'all! Caught up to this show over the last year, might just be the most overlooked thing on tv right now. The pacing, acting, direction are all top notch, but what keeps me compelled with The 100 as opposed to any of the glut of sci fi fantasy tv is how dedicated The 100 is to exploring what it takes to survive,

Said tone was "babyish and mumbly"

What if i told you this magic rock could seal away speedsters?

I just went over to watch the trailer for that movie and Rino Romano was doing the exact same voiceover he does for the NBC promos. Just an odd coincidence.

I can't get a read on Vanessa Hudgens. I don't know what she's trying to do with her career.

Next time they shine the peacock in the sky, don't watch it. The show is dead. Bury it.