
I stand by my early assessment that Bernie was encouraged by the party run to take the liberal temperature of the country at this juncture and that everyone, including him, was surprised by the results. I don’t think he really expected to win, either, but I think he got pretty hopeful for a while there.

I’m currently reading Founding Brothers (almost done) and it’s fascinating. That seems a) like something Madison would say and b)very very true.

That is amazing.

I don’t know: if he’s holding out to make a symbolic gesture it sort of cheapens his whole campaign into looking like a symbolic gesture, which I truly hope it wasn’t.

HA!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!

Even so... the time has come, bro.

I have seriously considered it.

Can you imagine if the founding fathers had twitter? Adams would have a meltdown every other week. Jefferson would quit every other week with like “I just want to focus on what’s really important. All love, y’all, but I’m tired of it all” and then come back two days later as though nothing had happened. All of

Bernie. Bubbala. Come on, dude. I love you. I love you so much. But stop. Please. It’s getting embarrassing.

Dude. My four year old started singing this today and I swear to God I almost cried...


More than 10,000 people enter the lottery for these tickets every day.

Sure! It’s not JUST mine (it employs a whole lot of writers!) but it’s You can also follow us on FB and Twitter.

Thanks! Not gonna lie: they're pretty magical. Like tiny, mercurial unicorns.

Morning sickness sucks ass. You have my sympathy.

Ha! There are a million reasons not to have kids if you’re not feeling it, but trust: birth is among the least of them! It’s one of those things that sucks for a few hours and then you’re like “Oh, cool. Done.”

True on all accounts!

Totally. I’m a big, big proponent for birth choices (I’m actually a writer for a mom blog, so I sort of do it professionally). My c-section was an emergency c-section and I still loved the experience. My VBAC was also amazing. The mom guilt people tried (unsuccessfully) to foist on me regarding each was absurd.

Woo hoo! Mazel tov! Yeah, VBAC vs Csection recovery... I’m not sure if the difference is first time I did nothing but rest and second time around I had a toddler, or if it’s the difference between having pain killers and not, but while my csection recovery definitely took longer I’d say the VBAC recovery was more

WATCH BIRTH VIDEOS! I’m seriously, it really, really helps. At first it’s weird, but then it becomes inspiring. Read other people’s birth stories, watch the videos. I had a c-section and then a vaginal birth and prepping for the second birth was a lot to do with convincing myself that my body was capable of it: it tota